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Like always it was the horrid sound of Yoongi's alarm that rudely blared him awake, tearing him out of his sweet and calm sleep. Yoongi wanted to curse because he was still exhausted from working more than healthy was the day before, but before he even got to turn off the alarm it was silenced and Yoongi sighed. He knew he had to get up soon - running a shop didn't involve sleeping in and he still had a lot of potions to finish, but his bed was so soft. He hummed, pushing himself deeper into his covers sighing deeply at the feeling of his soft sheets against his body and the warmth of his duvet.

It was actually a little too warm, Yoongi frowned, eyes still closed. Somewhere in the back of his head he knew something was wrong; sure, his sheets got hot when he slept, but Yoongi had never been the type to run particular hot during the night. Besides, Yoongi always slept alone so he really shouldn't be feeling something pressed tightly up against his side.

Yoongi really should have known he couldn't even have a normal morning.

"Jimin, you better fucking be wearing underwear this time!" Yoongi hissed, blinking his eyes open and found himself staring at the silvery hair on the pillow next to him. He glared at him, hoping the damn Siren would just get the fuck out of his bed and allow Yoongi to bask in his soft sheets a second longer before he was reminded of how shitty and chaotic his life actually was.

"I am," Jimin yawned, nuzzling deeper into his pillow, the ring on his left middle finger glittering in the weak light. "Shh, I'm sleeping, Yoongi," Jimin breathed softly, nuzzling into Yoongi's pillow as his hair glittered in the weak morning sunlight sneaking in through a cap in the curtains. Yoongi wanted to be angrier than he actually was, but there was this odd resignation as he stared at his friend's sleeping face.

Jimin hated being alone.

"Jimin, get the fuck out of my bed," Yoongi huffed sitting up and repressing his urge to curse up a storm when he looked down to see Hoseok curled up at the end of the bed. "How many times have I said you all need to stop crawling into my bed? You all have your own fucking rooms. Better, bigger rooms even. Why the fuck do you all need to be in my bed?" Yoongi scoffed, 'accidentally' elbowing Jimin in the side as he crawled out.

Yoongi tried not to smile as he heard Jimin complain, the younger man muttering curses as he moved away from Yoongi.

"Why so mean?" Jimin pouted, finally blinking his eyes open and turning to look at Yoongi with all his charm. Yoongi could only be grateful that no matter how pretty Jimin looked, Yoongi never fell for it.

As half nymph and half siren Jimin was undeniably beautiful. His skin was smooth with an almost golden tan that shimmered softly in the light peeking through the curtains. Since it was Jimin - who naturally didn't grasp neither the need for common decency nor the concept of normal body temperatures - he had laid himself on top of the covers and was stretched out displaying more of his sun-kissed skin than what was entirely decent. In fact, Jimin was only wearing a pair of black boxers – which, of course, belonged to Yoongi – and his mother's ring. But Yoongi really didn't think the little piece of jewelry counted, even if it was the only thing Jimin never took off. Yoongi would never understand why Jimin had to wear Yoongi's boxers instead of the perfectly nice ones Yoongi had bought for him after he moved in.

Sometimes Yoongi was sure Jimin just tried to piss him off on purpose.

Yoongi really wondered why he had ever thought it was a good idea to ask Jimin to move in. It had had to be those cute small silver eyes that had tricked Yoongi because the half-siren half-nymph was a menace.

Cute, but still a menace.

Like all sirens and nymphs Jimin was alluring, even Yoongi had to admit it. Even when he didn't use his siren powers he had inherited from his father there was something about the younger man that just drew your eyes in and made it hard to look away. Yoongi didn't know if it was how Jimin was all toned muscles, the shimmering silver hair or the beautiful silver eyes, but there was no denying that Jimin turned heads. Jimin was stunning in a way that made people walk into walls and send him marriage offers through extravagant gifts and flower arrangements. He wasn't breathtaking like Seokjin, but there was something about him that made you fall a little bit in love with him at first sight.

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