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Yoongi yawned almost dropping the cage with the plums. He really shouldn't be crawling around in a three when he was this tired, but since both Jimin and Hoseok didn't like heights it was just him, Namjoon and Seokjin left to harvest the Australian Levitation Plums, and none of them were stupid enough to ever let Namjoon climb a tree.

Yoongi knew Seokjin could have harvested the plums on his own, but it didn't feel right. Even with his affinity for air Seokjin could pick these plum by blowing them off the tree like he usually did. The change of the many plums escaping were too great and those horrid plums always made havoc wherever they flew off to. Too many loose plums and most of Seoul would be affected by their odd flight pattern. They really liked flying into windows after all. Yoongi had enough issues with the leader of the Wild Witch department of the Academy as it were. He didn't have to give her more ammunition in her plans to get her fingers in the Garden.

Picking the levitating plums were always a nostalgic experience. Yoongi used to do this as a kid, his grandmother standing on the ground worrying about him falling down. Back them most of the family's kids had been involved at the spring activity and picking the plums was a sign that is was really spring.

Now it was just Yoongi and Seokjin left to pluck the three huge trees.

Yoongi grunted as he had to stretch to reach one of the plums. The deep saffron yellow fruit was soft and seemed fragile, but Yoongi knew the small fruit could handle banging into each other inside the birdcage. Yoongi couldn't help but muse about how odd a fruit the levitation plums were. They insisted on following the Australian seasons, even here in Korea it bloomed in autumn and bore fruit in the spring. It seemed particularly insistent on doing it this way as it had never once been deterred by snow or winter. Yoongi thought it might have something to do with the Garden, but he also knew this was one of the plants the Academy had managed to add to their collection.

Yoongi's plums were nicer though.

Yoongi stuffed the plum into the cage, quickly closing the little door so the other plums wouldn't escape. He breathed deeply, leaning back so he could sit on one of the thicker branches. His entire body was aching for exhaustion and it was a struggle to keep his eyes open.

He really should get some sleep.

It had been a nice day. There had been customers, but not so many that Yoongi had felt too rushed. To be honest if it wasn't for the fact that Yoongi had been up since four o'clock the day would have been perfect. Taehyung had even stopped by again, much happier after he passed his final with flying colors, something that Yoongi just now discovered had brightened his day.

Taehyung had only been by twice since the whole potion ordeal. He never stayed long, seemingly busy with school and the finals that Yoongi knew was just around the corner. It was nice having Taehyung back in the shop, but Jimin had begun to come running every time Taehyung was in the shop distracting Taehyung, so it wasn't like he and Yoongi had time to talk, since Taehyung only had time to spend a few minutes whenever he dropped by, Yoongi was beginning to feel the happiness of having a new friend dim. He understood that Taehyung was busy and didn't blame him for his absence at all, but still Yoongi missed him and wished they actually got to talk.

Yoongi didn't really know what was up with Jimin, but he was really occupied with talking to Taehyung lately. Yoongi had no idea what was up, but something was bothering Jimin. It had been getting progressively worse over the last few weeks. Especially now Jungkook also stopped by all the time, both with and without Taehyung. There was something about the young boy that made Jimin feel unsettled and flustered.

Perhaps it was the fact that Jungkook always got a nosebleed whenever he looked at Jimin for too long.

Yoongi wasn't quite sure what was going on, but it was just Jimin who had suddenly developed an odd fascination with Jungkook. Hoseok also got all twisted up and weird when the shy boy stopped by. Yoongi didn't want to stick his nose into things that didn't concern him, but he wished the two of them would talk. It would save Yoongi for one hell of a headache later.

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