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Yoongi didn't think he was like most Elementals. He really didn't think that Wild Witches were lower than him or possessed a lower grade of magic. They were different, odd, weird and a catastrophe waiting to happen. Wild Witches weren't 'wrong', he just wished they weren't so infuriatingly annoying because right now he wanted to turn every single one of them into human icicles.

"Come here, kitty kitty," Yoongi hissed out between clenched teeth as he balanced on the tips of his toes trying to reach the most possessed cat Yoongi had ever had the displeasure of meeting. It wasn't that Yoongi disliked cats, no, he actually liked them quite a lot and he even had three of his own that got to prowl the house and garden, but this infernal hell beast wasn't a cat.

It was a monster!

The cat had to have crawled out of hell just to make Yoongi's life as miserable as possible. "I promise, I won't hurt you, Fluffels," Yoongi tried to say in a tone that didn't make it sound like all he really wanted was to strangle this fucking animal. "Just come here, you stupid fucking shit beast," Yoongi snapped, feeling his patience leave him as the fucking cat just flicked its tail at him.

"Don't hurt him or I'll sue you, Min Yoongi!" Gain yelled, not looking away from the witch she was currently arguing with. "Fluffels is my familiar and as part of the witch equality law, hurting my familiar is hurting me. And the same goes for name calling," she snapped, immediately going back to her tirade about irresponsible bird owners and why cats were by far the superior choice of familiar.

"So you keep telling me," Yoongi sighed, glaring at the big overweight striped cat just out of his reach. Yoongi wanted to strangle her... and her stupid cat. Sure, she came in about once a week and was perhaps one of his most regular customers, but her fucking cat was devil spawn. Most Wild Witches ended up with a familiar, and as the animal's spirit would connect to the with the human's, the animals would live as long as their owner and often got human-like traits and behavior. Something that had clearly never happened for the damned Fluffels.

Every week it was the same. Gain would come in dragging her cat in her arms like some over-grown fur purse, she would be halfway through her feet long shopping list when suddenly Fluffels would spot another customer's familiar and decide to chase that fucker down, usually knocking over everything and making Yoongi chase the fucking hellspawn down before someone's familiar got hurt, or worse, eaten. Today it was a huge colorful parrot, with the ever so clever name of Pari, that Fluffels had decided to chase. Which was the reason why Yoongi was currently trying not to fall on his ass in his attempt to get the fucking cat down from the top of the tall shelves running along the sides of the shop.

Normally when this sort of thing happened Seokjin would be there, ready to gently lift the fucking cat down with his magic, but of course Gain chose the one single day Seokjin wasn't in the shop to come in with her possessed hell beast, meaning that it was Yoongi and Hoseok who were forced to try and capture the fucking familiars – without using any of their powers because apparently hitting Fluffels with a squirt of water straight in his face would be an assault on the cat's water-hating ass.

Shit cat.

"Ready?" Hoseok asked, his voice strained as he too was balancing on a lower shelf ready to spring up and catch the parrot, that was currently looking at Fluffels with distaste. Yoongi could only empathize.

"On the count of three," Yoongi said, sending a last glare in Gain's direction before he fully focused on the hell beast before him. Unlike Hoseok, he wasn't boneless and Yoongi wasn't exactly graceful like his friend, so jumping at a cat in midair would take everything Yoongi had in him. He really wished he could just blast the infuriating familiar to hell where it belonged with an explosion of icy water.

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