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Yoongi looked at his friends as he absentmindedly poked to the greens on his plate. Sometimes he really wondered why he had decided to surround himself with borderline idiots. Jimin was wriggling in his chair, looking up at Hoseok with a confused look and then down at his plate of half-eaten food. Hoseok, in turn was busy burning the spinach Seokjin had forced onto his plate, a fond smile on his face as the poor greenery slowly disappeared up in smoke. Namjoon had his face in a book like usual, but at the smell of the smoke coming from Hoseok's plate he looked up, sighing deeply before a little miniature raincloud formed at the tips of his fingers. Namjoon sent it drifting with a flick of his hand, the little cloud settling over Hoseok's plate beginning to rain all over the burned-out spinach.

Seokjin was the only one worth sharing a house with. He was just talking about his day and the conversation he had had with one of their suppliers, hands moving animatedly as he talked, the light catching the golden cuffs around his wrists, making them blink and shimmer, desperately trying to outshine the older man's golden hair. He was wearing a crown of blood red roses on his head today, Yoongi knew it meant that his friend had had a good day and that Namjoon had said something sweet. Seokjin was so easy to read from his flower crowns.

Yoongi sighed, putting down his chopsticks. He had been feeling odd ever since he saw Taehyung leave the store earlier. He knew he had overreacted when Jimin had talked about the garden, but after last time Yoongi just couldn't risk it. His eyes strayed to Jin, still happily talking to the barely responding Namjoon.

No, Yoongi couldn't let it happen again.

"So, I cooked," Seokjin smiled, dragging all of their attention towards him. "Who's doing the dishes?" He asked, purposely not looking at Yoongi. He could already feel himself frown at how the whole table suddenly got oddly quiet, all of them clearly not wanting to look at him.

"I have to finish this book," Namjoon muttered as he got up, eyes never leaving the page. "I think Romeo is about to fuck shit up. That over dramatic dickhead," Namjoon muttered walking out the room. Sometimes Yoongi really wondered how Namjoon couldn't walk two meters without walking into stuff or fall flat on his ass, but when he had his nose stuffed in a book he could walk through a minefield without blowing himself into a million pieces. It was one of the many mysteries that clung to Namjoon like one of his damn rainclouds.

"I'm gonna go after him," Seokjin sighed shaking his head, smiling fondly at his boyfriend. "We all know what happened when Augustus died. I really can't be bothered to find a new glazier to redo the windows. We're running out of people willing to help us. I mean, we pay them, so don't get why they get upset about having to fix the same window four days in a row," he added with an eye roll as he followed his boyfriend out of the room.

Only Seokjin thought everything Namjoon did was adorable. Basically, Seokjin's soft heart was his only character flaw. How he had ever fallen for an annoying idiot like Namjoon was a mystery to Yoongi because, while he loved Namjoon to bits, he knew Seokjin could do better. Actually, Yoongi sometimes wondered if there was anyone good enough for the saint that was Kim Seokjin. Namjoon wasn't a bad choice overall and they loved each other to bit or Namjoon would probably have killed himself by accident at this point. Seokjin wasn't the best Namjoon-sitter in the world for nothing. As much a Yoongi could be annoyed at Namjoon he really didn't want to lose his friend. Especially not if it was to his own clumsiness.

"I have something urgent to do," Jimin stuttered, jumping up from the table. "It can't wait, sorry," he threw over his shoulder as he rushed out the door. Yoongi knew he was going to the lake and hide underneath the water – he always did – but he also knew Jimin just didn't want to do the dishes. At least Jimin had been wearing boxers for dinner, that was progress at least. Yoongi turned to look at Hoseok, his best friend looking at him with slight panic.

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