part 09 | marasmius elegans | twenty-seven

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Yoongi peaked out from behind the door, eyes searching the hallway for any signs of Taehyung. When he didn't see the wild witch Yoongi rushed forward, leaning over the stairways trying to see if Taehyung was anywhere below.

Yoongi couldn't believe he it had been three days already.

Logically he knew Taehyung had to be outside in the greenhouses, but the younger man could still be inside. Taehyung might need to use the bathroom, might need some water, might need to confuse Yoongi even more.

The stairs were empty.

Yoongi cursed quietly as he moved down the step, all the while keeping watch for sudden appearances of ivy. He knew full well he was being an idiot, but even after three days he still had no idea what to say to Taehyung. Not after what had happened the other night.

Yoongi knew it had been an unwisemove not to show up for breakfast the morning after, but he had just been so conflicted. He couldn't understand why Taehyung had kissed him. It didn't make sense to say he was Yoongi's friend and then kiss him. After all, Namjoon and Yoongi had been friends for ages and they had never kissed.

And as far as Yoongi knew, friends didn't kiss each other passionately in the dining room.

Yoongi had spent most of the morning hiding out in the greenhouse with the Midnats sutsko, getting more behind on his schedule as he worried about Taehyung and the plant.

More leaves had fallen off.

Yoongi had wanted to cry when he had sat there just looking at the flower. He didn't understand why it was suddenly looking so yellow and dull. It had been so close to blooming and now it was dropping leaves left and right, some of the still closed flower buds falling off. Yoongi had tried everything he could think off, but the flower was still looking worse.

In a way, it had been nice to be more worried about the flower, because it had left him with less time to be confused about Taehyung. He was just glad Hoseok had been too tired to even remember what he had walked in on. Yoongi had feared the other would get involved or that Hoseok might have seen more of the kiss, but no. Hoseok was as distracted as ever, only happily telling Yoongi about what Jimin and Jungkook were up to.

Yoongi sighed as he reached the end of the stairs, once again looking to see if he could spot Taehyung anywhere. He was so far behind on his work it as ridiculous. He even had to have Jimin mind the store otherwise he wouldn't have time for the garden. Apparently, he hadn't been able to completely hide how stressed he was because Seokjin had taken to placing resumes from students seeking part-time jobs in the store, next to his bed again. Yoongi didn't understand why out of all people Jin would allow interning wild witches to walk around the garden. Being almost killed should have taught him that.

Yoongi sneaked closer to the door, hoping the universe for once would be on his side and that Taehyung would not be hiding out in the doorway to the living room.

"So, is there a reason you're looking like a bad impersonation of a thief?" Namjoon suddenly asked, almost making Yoongi jump in the air. He turned around on to see Namjoon standing behind him, smiling that lazy smile that always made Yoongi want to hit him over the head.

"I hate you," Yoongi said with a huff, turning around and stumbling into the living room to grab the book he had originally been after.

"I fail to see how that answers my question," Namjoon said, following after Yoongi whilehumming a song out of tune. "If I didn't know better I would think you were hiding from someone," Namjoonsmirked, settling into the big arm chair in the corner.

"I don't have time for this right now," Yoongi huffed already halfway out the doorway, trying to look around the corner without Namjoon noticing.

"Jin is with Taehyung in the garden," Namjoon said, giving Yoongi a knowing look.

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