part 15 | marasmius haematocephalus | thirty-nine

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Yoongi woke up slowly. He sighed, cuddling up close to the warmth next to him. He could sleep more, but for the first time in forever Yoongi didn't feel exhausted. He couldn't help but smile as he breathed in deeply, the smell of his sheets and Taehyung filling his nose.

Yoongi couldn't remember much of the trip from the greenhouse to the house. A little about flowers blooming in Taehyung's footsteps, something about Sugar Cube almost tripping Yoongi a few times because the cat insisted on being close to Yoongi and, of course, the feeling of Taehyung's arms around Yoongi's shoulders.

When Taehyung had tried to roll Yoongi into his bed, Yoongi had simply refused to let go of Taehyung. He hadn't been able to shake the feeling that it was all a dream and that if he went to bed, they'd be back to being nothing but friends when Yoongi woke up.

Taehyung had been easier to persuade into sharing the bed than Yoongi had thought.

Yoongi sadly hadn't had much time to enjoy the feeling of Taehyung's arms around him. He had fallen asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. It had almost felt like the exhaustion from the last two years had finally caught up with him, draining him completely. Even thought Yoongi had still been worried about the garden, Taehyung, his uncle and and the others, he just couldn't anymore.

His brain had simply shut down, leaving Yoongi practically unconscious.

Yoongi's body felt heavy, but warm. There were a few places that were beginning to feel a little numb, but Yoongi just couldn't imagine moving anytime soon. He sighed deeply, the feeling of Taehyung's blood rushing in time with his own lulling him back to a state of drowsiness.

"You should sleep more," Taehyung mumbled, his voice thick with sleep, though it was clear he had been awake for a while. His arms tightened around Yoongi for a second.

"Mmm," Yoongi sighed, pressing closer to Taehyung. "Sure," He mumbled, really happy that he could use the excuse of being sleepy to touch Taehyung some more. Now that Yoongi wasn't respreesing his magic at all he could feel Taehyung's presence in a whole new way.

Actually, he could feel the whole garden and the streets around them in a whole new way. Without the familiar heavy presence of the charms Yoongi felt oddly light. He could feel the water call him from the bathroom in the corner, feel the water rushing through the earth below him, and the water dancing in the air around him.

Yoongi could feel everything.

It was exhilarating.

"I mean it," Taehyung said softly, gently pushing at Yoongi, clearly trying to get Yoongi to lie in a way that wouldn't give him a kink in the neck. "I can feel you thinking," he added in a mildly scolding tone, his chest humming under Yoongi's hand.

"I'm fine," Yoongi mumbled, letting his hands drift over Taehyung's soft warm skin almost greedily. It was odd suddenly being allowed to touch him after so long. Yoongi had starred so much at that sun kissed skin, always wondered how soft it was, and now he finally knew.

Right there and then Yoongi swore he would make sure Taehyung always slept without a shirt on. Yoongi sure as hell wasn't giving this up ever.

"You barely slept for three days, you need more sleep," Taehyung mumbled, kissing the top of Yoongi's head and holding him a little closer. Yoongi could only hum in reply, too busy enjoying feeling warm and comfortable to care.

"I need to get up though," Yoongi sighed, not daring to think about how far behind he was with everything. There were flowers to be plucked, fruits to be picked, jams to be made and maybe a million other things he should have been done with already.

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