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"...the head of the Wild Magic Department refused all accusations and refers to the incident as pure fun. 'It's clear that the mushrooms were meant as a joke," she claims. 'It isn't the first time odd fungi and plants turn up as result of our student succumbing to childish humor. I think to call it a perverse provocation is too much'. She further adds that the matter will be brought up and promises that she will encourage the students to use more intelligent forms of humor in the future. The culprit behind the perverted mushroom joke is still unknown."

Yoongi huffed as he dropped the paper on the table, his thoughts going to Taehyung. It was kind of a wonder that Taehyung's mushrooms hadn't appeared in the paper before. He couldn't help but grin as he looked at the picture. Out of all the odd fungi, Yoongi had seen Taehyung's shoes sprout he had to admit these were some of the weirder ones. His eyes strayed to the picture going along with the article and Yoongi couldn't stop an immature giggle. It wasn't had to see why a few people had been shocked, it did look... perverted.

Yoongi leaned back in his chair still smiling. His back twinged as he relaxed, reminding him that he had spent most of the night weeding. Yoongi was tired again. Too many bushes to be trimmed, threes to overlook, bees to hurry order around, flowers to dry and a Smæk Slynge to yell at for harassing the dancing daisies. The whole mess of Taehyung only added to the chaos that was Yoongi's life.

There was just too much for one person.

Yoongi sighed, his thoughts returning to Taehyung again. He couldn't stop thinking about the other man. Sure, he had been thinking about Taehyung, but lately, it was as if the other man never left his mind. Yoongi could be gardening and suddenly be thinking of how Taehyung's magic would affect the garden. Yoongi would be watching television and see something he knew would make Taehyung laugh. Yoongi would be buying cat food and think about Sugar Cube, buy fertilizer and think about Bogum.

No matter what Yoongi did, Taehyung was constantly on his mind.

Yoongi glared at the paper for a second before he flipped it closed like it was the paper's fault Yoongi was suddenly so fixated on Taehyung for unknown reasons. The pictures of the indecent mushrooms only made Yoongi think of Namjoon's laughing. In hindsight forcing Namjoon into being in the store with him when Taehyung dropped by hadn't been the best idea, but things between Yoongi and Taehyung had just been so awkward after Yoongi began to talk with Taehyung again. Yoongi had been sure Namjoon would be able to make things better.

Somehow Yoongi should have predicted that his asshat of a childhood friend would end up mistaking Taehyung's familiar for a sweater. Still, Yoongi couldn't deny that Namjoon's presence had definitely helped. Things had been a lot less awkward and Yoongi had finally managed to work up the guts to apologize. He didn't like admitting it, but the stare down he had gotten from Taehyung's familiar had really worked.

Yoongi sighed leaning back even further so he could stare at the ceiling. Namjoon had been even more annoying after his last run in with Taehyung two days ago, and Yoongi couldn't help feeling he was missing something. Like how Hoseok seemed to think it was funny that Taehyung's familiar seemed to have a personality close to Yoongi or how Namjoon seemed to think there was some deeper meaning to the kind of mushrooms Taehyung's shoes produced. Namjoon hadn't stopped forcing the world phallus into every sentence he could and Hoseok wouldn't stop sniggering.

"Fucking nitwits," Yoongi hissed under his breath as he glared at the ceiling. He knew it was hopeless to even try and think about what the two idiots were up to, but still, it bothered him. With a huff, he sat back up looking at the mail in front of him.

He couldn't keep procrastinating all morning. He really didn't want to look at the bills or the many odd inquiries from his family members. He wondered what his uncle had told them to make them write him worried letters every week. Yoongi had begun to send copies of the shop's records to prove that he wasn't trying to bankrupt the family, but no one seemed to believe him. He cursed thinking about his uncle. It was a petty trick, but Yoongi wasn't giving up. The shop was his fair and square and his uncle could stuff it if he thought Yoongi would be deterred by a few letters.

Yoongi couldn't help but scowl as he leafed through the letter putting bills to one side and letter from his clan on the other. Sometimes he wondered if he was even related to few of these people because he was pretty sure he didn't have an aunt called Kyunghee. He really hated that he had to waste his precious time on all this. One thing was the bills, he didn't mind paying them, but actually having to answer ten to twenty relatives a week was getting tiring. Yoongi had so much to do that he really couldn't waste time on this.

Yoongi stopped when he came to a letter with his father's handwriting on. The characters were carefully drawn, each line formed with the same attention and precision that his father used to make his knifes. Yoongi stared at the letter, the familiar mess of anger and curiosity mingling in his stomach.

Yoongi hated how he still wanted to read his father's letter, hated how he still cared about a family that didn't want him. He even tried reading one of his letters when he was younger, but he barely got past the initial greetings before he wanted to throw up. The words 'your mother' had made all f Yoongi world tilt and crash.

He hadn't opened a single letter since.

Yoongi sighed, knowing full well what he would find next. He was surprised when the letter underneath his fathers had his address written in just as familiar, but much messier characters. Yoongi could only stare at his older brother's letter. He didn't get why his brother kept writing to him. Despite his grandmothers pestering Yoongi had never read a single one.

Yoongi sighed, already feeling exhausted. He couldn't believe it was barely 10 am and he already wanted to go to bed again. He just wanted to have a single day where he didn't have to think of his family or all the mess that surrounded the garden. Was it really too much to ask for, to be left alone by the very people who had kicked him out?

Yoongi just couldn't understand what his brother could have to say to him. After all, his older brother was perfect. He wasn't a monster like Yoongi. Yoongi only knew what little his uncle liked to slip into his long complaint letters, so Yoongi knew his brother was married, he knew his brother was considered one of the Min clans finest metal crafters – even better than their father. But still, Yoongi's brother was a stranger.

Yoongi hadn't even been allowed to play with his brother, even before he moved to Seoul. Yoongi's mother had always tried to keep them apart, trying to stop Yoongi's crazy magic from tainting and destroying his perfect brother. But still, the few memories Yoongi had of him, he was always kind, giving Yoongi food when his mother punished him with starvation, drying away the blood when the beating had been too rough, or once drying Yoongi's tears and holding him close after his mother had yelled at him.

But that had all been before Yoongi almost tore the family apart.

Yoongi huffed, pulling out the bottom drawer of his desk and threw the two letters down to all the others. There was no point in his wallowing. He had been born a monster and there was nothing he could do about it but try and keep to himself. Yoongi had his garden, he had his house, his potions, and his friends.

He didn't need his family, he had a new one.

Yoongi got up, wincing as his back complained. He needed to get Hoseok back in the garden and help him out. After the triad dating had commenced both Jimin and Hoseok were spending lesser time in the garden, both too busy wooing Jungkook at every given change. Still, Yoongi didn't really have the heart to ask Hoseok to spend more time on his job. It was so nice to see his friend happy.

Yoongi couldn't help but smile as he looked down into the garden, seeing the triad sitting on the grass. Of course, they would be just below Yoongi's office window now that he was thinking about them. They looked cute, all three of them sitting on a blanket and enjoying the first warm sun while Jungkook was working on something and both Jimin and Hoseok seemed to be watching with rapt attention.

Yoongi was almost used to seeing Jungkook in the house now. It had been difficult in the beginning to have a stranger coming and going, but after Yoongi had gotten annoyed the first time Jimin had given him a talking too. Yoongi's ears were still ringing after the yelling. He supposed he just had to accept that Jungkook would be a permanent element in his life now. His stomach swooped a little at the thought of Taehyung coming by as well.

Yoongi knew the thought of Taehyung entering the house and maybe even the garden should have freaked him out, the other man was a wild witch after all. He couldn't be trusted. But instead, he felt an odd feeling of hesitant excitement. Taehyung should never be allowed near the garden, but still, Yoongi had an unbearable desire to show it off, to see Taehyung's eyes grow wide in wonder, to see Taehyung's smile...

Yoongi shook his head, feeling his cheeks heat up at the thought of Taehyung smiling. Ever since he had seen the other man smile at his familiar Yoongi had felt odd. He didn't know why, but that particular smile, so soft and carefree, had hit Yoongi in the stomach like a blow from the Piske Bøg. He had been so detracted that he for one single second had forgotten to control the water that had been hovering over his head, making it fall right on his head and soaking him to the skin in a second.

Something like that had never happened before.

Sure, Yoongi had lost control, but he had never been so distracted that he just completely forgot to use any part of his magical abilities. There had just been something about that smile that had made Yoongi's breath catch, his heart stutter in his chest. He hated it, but all he could think about was seeing Taehyung smile like that again.

Yoongi couldn't help but sigh wistfully as Jimin and Hoseok began to laugh at something Jungkook's half-put-together machine did. They look so perfect together with the three of them. It was like the world had just decided that those three souls would fit. Just like it were with Namjoon and Jin.

It made Yoongi feel lonely.

Yoongi smiled bitterly as his eyes flickered to the old wedding picture of his grandparents. It had been sitting on the desk as long as Yoongi could remember and after having remodeled and refurbished the office he hadn't been able to hide it away. It was a bittersweet reminder of something Yoongi would never get to experience.

Yoongi's grandmother had always talked about how wonderful it would be when Yoongi grew old enough to find a partner. As far back as he could remember she had pointed out placed in the garden, talking about how the lake would be perfect for a date, how the greenhouse would be perfect for a proposal or how the tree in the middle of the garden would serve as the perfect backdrop for a wedding.

She had been so convinced that Yoongi would find someone and Yoongi had never had the heart to tell her he wouldn't. Perhaps it was for the best that she died when Yoongi were still young. At least now she would never have to realize that Yoongi would be alone forever. His eyes returned to the triad on the grass, the bitter jealousy twisting deep in his stomach. Because Yoongi were merely human and he just wanted to be loved. It was a cruel thing that monsters like him were meant to die alone.

His stomach twisted as Jimin leaned into Hoseok's side, the other man's arms coming up to drape over Jimin's shoulders almost automatically. Sometimes when Yoongi felt like torturing himself, he wondered how it would feel to be that close to someone. To care so little about casual touched that you wouldn't even think about it. Yoongi couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to have someone hold him close like Hoseok held Jimin.

His heart hurt, but he ignored it. There was no point in missing something you never had to begin with.

With a last look at the lovers, Yoongi turned around. He couldn't keep staring out the window. He had orders to fill, bills to pay and a family to respond to. There was no point in feeling jealous. It really was about time Yoongi just gave up and accepted the fact of his life. Besides, he was happy for his friends. Truly deeply happy.

Yoongi huffed as he sat back down, feeling a little like he was about to climb a mountain, or perhaps just trim the Smæk Slynge. He needed to figure out what was wrong with him because he didn't use to be like this. Perhaps it was the exhaustion who made everything seem bleaker than usual, or perhaps he was getting sick. No matter what it was, Yoongi didn't have time for it.

With a last deep breath, he opened the computer and grabbed the first stack of bills, quietly wondering when he might see Taehyung again.


"Does this shirt make me look fat?" Taehyung asked, pressing the soft fabric close to his stomach and giving himself a judging look in the mirror turning from side to side to fully get a better view of himself. He liked the shirt, but it was a bit oversize and he wasn't sure it would show off his slim waist particularly well.

"I don't get why you need to spend this much time on picking an outfit," Jungkook sighed, not even looking up from his phone. Taehyung knew he was probably texting Hoseok and Jimin. It was like the three of them and grown into one person. It was sweet and so romantic with how well their relationship was going, but it made Taehyung jealous. He couldn't help but wonder if one day he and Yoongi could be like that. The thought was odd and felt almost forbidden. Like just imagining something so perfect was hubris from Taehyung side. "We're just going to the apothecary," Jungkook added as if that wasn't the exact reason most of Taehyung's closet was lying discarded on his bed.

"I need to look my best. If I don't look desirable how will I ever win over Yoongi?" Taehyung huffed pulling the white shirt off and grabbing a blue one he knew would make his eyes sparkle. If he was ever going to make yoongi notice him, then he needed to look his absolute best.

"Hadn't you given up on him?" Jungkook smirked knowingly, as he finally looked up at his phone. "I mean, I distinctly remember you telling me you were done with Yoongi and that you were moving on. This doesn't seem like you've moved on from anything," Jungkook teased gesturing to the nest of Taehyung's clothes he was currently lying in the middle of.

"I had," Taehyung muttered sourly, frowning at his reflection. He was positive this shirt used to be prettier. He pulled the shirt over his head and pulled out another one with flowers on. Perhaps he needed to go more botanical. "But true love doesn't die that easily and I have to give this one more shot," he muttered, word muffled by the shirt as he pulled it over his head.

"Well, I can't really complain about you giving Yoongi a second short. Jimin is over the moon," Jungkook grinned, poking a little at the shirts around him as Taehyung critically looked at himself. The flowers were nice, but something was definitely missing. "But I think I fail to see where you looking like an idiot is going to help," Jungkook asked amused, as Taehyung tried to match a hat with the flowery shirt. Taehyung turned to glare at his friend as he sent the red hat flying through the room.

Taehyung huffed as it just barely missed the smirking Jungkook.

"It was Yoongi's mere appearance that reminded me of just how much I love him, and while I might not capture his heart I might be able to capture the attention of...something else," Taehyung coughed awkwardly, refusing to meet Jungkook's knowing eyes. "Besides, looking good never hurt anyone," Taehyung sighed as he began to pull off the flowery shirt. Clearly botanical wasn't the way to go. If he were to meet Yoongi after all the mess with the mushroom's then he needed to look his best. How else was he going to get Yoongi to give him a second chance?

"Have you considered just telling Yoongi how you feel?" Jungkook asked seriously, sitting on the bed and removing a shirt that had landed on the sleeping Sugar cube. "Might be easier than trying to seduce him with see-through shirts. I mean, just because you apparently have a kink for that shit doesn't mean other people do," Jungkook added just as Taehyung buttoned up the thinnest white shirt he owned, the fabric so sheer it left nothing to the imagination.

Taehyung stopped to look from Jungkook to his own reflection.

"I don't have a kink," Taehyung huffed as he immediately began to unbutton the shirt again, careful not to tear the fragile fabric. "I was merely reminded of the true beauty of Yoongi. And stop making me sound shallow. I told you it was his smile at Sugar Cube that made me change my mind. And I will tell Yoongi how I feel. I'm just waiting for him to sorta just like me a little first. And well, see-through shirts might help out with that part a little. We're all humans after all," Taehyung said pulling up a t-shirt he knew was about two sizes too small.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes falling back into the piles of clothing and pillows.

"You're impossible," Jungkook sighed deeply. Taehyung just huffed and began the struggle for trying to forcing himself into the tiny t-shirt. He had been sure it looked bigger before he tried putting it on. "I mean, he should kind of have figured out you like him. The whole boner-mushroom-incident kinda made your intentions pretty clear," Jungkook muttered, giving Taehyung a pointed look.

"I wasn't-" Taehyung tried to protest, but he silenced by judging look from his friend. "It's a physical reaction," Taehyung huffed, crossing his arm over his bare chest, the too small t-shirt left to dangler around his throat like an odd necklace.

"I couldn't help it," Taehyung huffed, looking away from Jungkook's smirk. The younger man was showing some nerve for a man who used to faint at the mere sight of his boyfriend. "And it wasn't a 'mushroom boner'. It was an unfortunate overflow of emotions having a bad effect on the shoes," he said, still liking at an abandoned sweater on the ground. "Besides you're blowing this out of proportion. It was a few mushrooms, really not that big of a deal," Taehyung added, tightening his arms around himself.

"Dude, it made the paper," Jungkook said, voice disbelieving. Taehyung could only wince. Even his mother had called to ask if he knew anything about that prank. Sometime Taehyung really hated his magic. It was too much sometimes. He didn't know anyone else whose feelings would be accidentally projected as mushrooms through a pair of miss-spelled purple sneakers. "People are still wondering how the fuck someone even did that. If Yoongi hasn't connected the dots I might lose faith in humanity," Jungkook continued casually like he wasn't just bringing up Taehyung's worst fear.

It wasn't that Taehyung didn't want Yoongi to know Taehyung liked him. He wanted Yoongi to know, he really did, but Taehyung wanted his confession to be a little more elegant than a few erect mushrooms telling Yoongi just how much Taehyung liked the sight of Yoongi's bare chest.

Taehyung wanted to be perceived as romantic, not as a sex-crazed perv.

Taehyung pulled the t-shirt over his head and dropped down on the bed, making both Jungkook and Sugar Cube Bounce along with the mattress. He suddenly felt awful, that pesky doubt from before creeping into his heart. Sure, he could never get over Yoongi, but he still wasn't sure if pursuing him was the right thing. Perhaps it would be better if Taehyung did give up just as planned.

"Maybe I should just stay home," Taehyung sighed lifelessly. He hated feeling like this. He had never been this insecure about anything in his entire life. Not about studying potions, not about moving to Seoul. Taehyung knew it was stupid to get this worked up over another person, but there was just something about Yoongi. Something Taehyung knew he could never forget. "I'm not really needed anyway," Taehyung sighed, lifting his arms so the newly awoken Sugar Cube could cuddle up on his lap.

"Stop that nonsense," Jungkook huffed, sitting up and pushing the clothes out of the way so he could sit next to Taehyung. "Besides, you promised Jimin that you would be there and he will be sad if you don't come by," Jungkook said, knocking his shoulder softly against Taehyung's. "Also, maybe you could stay for dinner. Jin makes the most wonderful food you'll ever taste," Jungkook said softly, leaning a little into Taehyung's side.

"I'm not welcome, you know that," Taehyung said feeling tired. He didn't know if Yoongi knew that Taehyung had been upstairs with Jimin more than a week ago, but given how Yoongi's still seemed uncomfortable with Jungkook around, Taehyung doubted he was allowed anywhere inside the house.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask," Jungkook sighed, resting his head against Taehyung's bare shoulder. "Besides Jimin misses you. He keeps talking about you. I mean, if I hadn't known better I would have thought it was you he had had a crush on," Jungkook added, clearly trying to sound miffed, but ending up sounding more amused than anything.

"Idiot," Taehyung huffed, shaking a giggling Jungkook off, making the younger man wiggled awkwardly around in the pile of clothing behind him. Sugar Cube huffed and jumped off Taehyung's lap and went to join Bogum in the window sill. "Jimin has been head over heels for you from day one, I'm not feeding your ego and going into details. The three of you are disgustingly perfect, so shut it," Taehyung grinned as he got up, picking up a simple blue sweater from the floor and pulling it over his head.

"I'm doing the right thing, right?" Taehyung asked, looking at his own eyes in the mirror. Jungkook stopped his wiggling and looked at Taehyung.

"I don't think you'd ever get over him unless you made absolutely sure you had tried," Jungkook said seriously as he managed to sit up. "If you don't give it your all you'd always wonder. And I know you, Taehyung, you'd end up throwing others away because they weren't Yoongi. This is the only way to know for sure. Besides, Yoongi is a good man," Jungkook said softly, smiling as Taehyung looked at him in disbelief.

"I know I wasn't a fan, in the beginning, Tae, but people are allowed to change their minds. And I know more about Yoongi now," Jungkook said carefully. "In the end, only you can make the choice, Tae, but I think he might be worth it. I think you might be right when you say he is a wonderful man," Jungkook huffed, looking away almost embarrassed.

"Jimin got to you too, huh," Taehyung said with a bitter smile turning to the bed, all thought of finding anything better than the sweater to wear forgotten. Somehow Taehyung should have known Jimin wasn't beneath turning Jungkook over to his pro-yoongi side. Taehyung just really didn't want to imagine how Jimin managed to make Jungkook change his mind about Yoongi.

"No, Hoseok actually," Jungkook said, lifting his eyes and staring directly at Taehyung. "Hoseok has nightmares," Jungkook said, voice soft. "Bad ones," Jungkook added quietly, words tipped with sadness.

"Hoseok has had a bad life, Tae. Some of his family members makes my dad sound like a saint," Jungkook huffed, folding his arms around himself. "Hoseok is always afraid someone will hurt him during the night, kill him or steal him away, I'm not sure, but he only sleeps well if Yoongi is near, because Yoongi is the only person Hoseok believes would protect him. And if Hoseok trust Yoongi, then so do I," Jungkook said gravely, those big eyes staring Taehyung down. Taehyung sat down next to Jungkook taking his best friend's hand. Of course, Jungkook's heart hurt. How could it do otherwise with how much it loved Hoseok and Jimin?

"If Yoongi is the man you love, then go for it. But I beg you, Tae, don't lose yourself. He isn't worth that much," Jungkook added with a sad smile at Taehyung.

"I'll do my best," Taehyung smiled weakly back, his chest feeling tight. Of course, Yoongi was a good man, Taehyung wouldn't have fallen in love with him otherwise. But still, it hurt to know the human ball of sunshine Taehyung knew Hoseok as was merely a mask hiding away yet another ruined human, destroyed by the very people meant to protect them. Sometimes Taehyung forgot not every powerful witch was born with mothers of his own. "Just answer me honestly; Does this sweater make me look fat?" Taehyung asked, biting his lip not to laugh at Jungkook offended expression.

"How can you ask that after such a serious talk, you idiot?" Jungkook huffed, barely managing to contain his own grin. "And no. You look wonderful. All soft and huggable. If Yoongi can't see what a catch you are he needs glasses," Jungkook grinned, leaning over to hug Taehyung.

"He might be wonderful, Tae, but he's the lucky one in having you fall in love with him," Jungkook mumbled as he held Taehyung close. "Don't sell yourself short, I won't have you thinking low of my spirit brother," Jungkook added, words barely audible.

Taehyung never got to answer because in that moment a loud resounding knock sounded from the door. Jungkook almost jumped out of Taehyung's arms and dived under the bed.

"If that is the master of the dorm, I'm not here," Jungkook hissed, pulling shirts over his head to conceal himself despite the fact that even if the door was open he couldn't be seen. A few of Bogum's seedlings liked being up high and had created a thick green veil over the door, acting both as a curtain and extra protection in case of intruders.

"What did you do this time?" Taehyung hissed quietly as jumped from the bed, urging the curtain to move a little so he could reach the door handle. Jungkook never replied he just buried himself deeper into the discarded shirts.

"Taehyung, I can't see your wards. I know you're in there!" An angry, but unfortunately familiar voice yelled through the door. Taehyung couldn't help but wince. It wasn't the first time Jungkook had made the older witch in control of the dorms mad, but this time she sounded livid.

"I'm here, I'm here," Taehyung rushed, felling the Ivy hide his room from view he unlocked the eight lock he had placed on the door. "Dorm Master Kim, what can I do for you? I trimmed my window boxes yesterday so they shouldn't be overflowing," he said smiling brightly as he opened the door.

Dorm Master Kim was a tiny old witch, barely reaching Taehyung's elbow. What she lacked in height though, she made up in bad temper.

"Your Friend," she sneered, trying to peak into Taehyung's room. "The odd electricity one, where is he?" she huffed, those ice cold black eyes of hers digging into Taehyung's soul.

"Jungkook, I presume," Taehyung said, trying not to show his own anger. He hated how people dismissed Jungkook because he could do both wild and elemental magic. It wasn't fair that was should be a remarkable gift was treated as a flaw. "I haven't seen him," Taehyung lied with practiced ease.

"You better not be hiding him in your room," Dorm Master Kim hissed, poking at Taehyung's stomach. He was pretty sure she wanted to poke his chest, but given that she would have to stand on her toes to reach he guessed she had just settled for his poor stomach.

Taehyung just knew she was gonna leave a bruise.

"I would never, Dorm Master Kim," Taehyung said, hoping he wasn't overplaying his role. "But I can tell him you're looking for him if I bump into him," he added with a small smile that probably wasn't as charming as he had hoped. Dorm Master Kim was still poking at his stomach and it was beginning to hurt.

"Don't bother," Dorm Master Kim hissed, looking every bit like the sour old lady she was. "Tell him to pack his stuff and get the hell out of my dorm. I refuse to have him burn down my rooms anymore. This is the fifth time, Taehyung, the fifth time I had to call and someone to fix the wiring because he keeps messing with them. And that is without mentioning the fires, the odd robots haunting the halls and all the other spectacles he brings with him. I don't want it anymore Taehyung, I have had it. If his things aren't gone on Monday I will personally throw them out the window," she hissed, stomping her feet hard on the wooden floor.

"And don't you even dare think about letting him living here with you. I will find out and then you can both sleep under a newspaper, you hear me, Kim Taehyung!" Dorm Master Kim snapped, her wild magic making all of Taehyung's own magic agitated. He could feel Bogum wake up from his nap and somewhere Sugar Cube was hissing.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Dorm Master Kim," Taehyung stuttered, feeling his heart sink.

"Ha," Dorm Master Kim huffed. "I know you two and I will be checking. Your plants might be clever but they can't hide Jungkook forever and when I find him there will be hell to pay. Mark my words, Taehyung," She hissed as she turned on her heel, disappearing down the hall without a single word in goodbye. Taehyung stepped back, closing the door and locking the many locks out of pure habit. He didn't even have to ask the ivy to move, it just moved aside, allowing him to look into his room, and straight into the panicked eyes of Jungkook.

"What do I do?" Jungkook asked, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. Taehyung couldn't answer. Living in the Wild Witch dorm had already been the last resort. And if Taehyung couldn't even let Jungkook sleep in his room, well, then Jungkook really was homeless.

"I don't know," Taehyung replied, his legs giving up as he sat on the bed. "I really don't know Kookie," he repeated, feeling his chest get tight.

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