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"I have scars," Yoongi mumbled, cheeks heating up with shame. "All over my back. She used to beat me with a belt," Yoongi mumbled, gently turning to his side and lifting up as tiny flap of his shirt so Taehyung could see the long white lines stretching over Yoongi's back and hips.

"I wish I could take them away," Taehyung said, hand trembling as he allowed his finger to trace one of the thing lines on Yoongi's hip. "I wish I could take all of it away. But it doesn't change who you are, Yoongi. You're still beautiful. I still love you. The scars doesn't matter," Taehyung said, reaching out and turning Yoongi's face to he could look Yoongi in the eyes.

"I love you, magic and odd friends included and I will never ever hit you, Yoongi. Never," Taehyung said making something odd tug at Yoongi's chest. "I don't care if it's just Namjoon and the others and my whole family at the wedding, I'd still marry you," Taehyung said with a little smile.

"You'd do that?" Yoongi hiccupped, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. "You'd marry me even if I'm a mess," He said as a sob tore through him. He didn't understand why he was crying, but there was something about the blind acceptance in Taehyung's eyes that broke him to pieces inside.

"Yes!" Taehyung said without even a hint of hesitation. he was quick to wrap himself around Yoongi, holding him close to his chest. "I would always marry you. Who cares about family anyways? It is what you make it and your mom sucks," taehyung said, kissing the top of Yoongi's head.

"You have a family, Yoongi, it's right here in this house," Taehyung said, somehow making Yoongi unfold so he was crying into Taehyung's chest instead. "And I promise that you won't lose the house or the garden. The tree in the middle has stopped tugging at my magic and as soon as we get up tomorrow I'll go have a strict talk with all of the plants and we will all work on getting pretty and beautiful so if your uncles does stop by he will be bedazzled by the beauty. And I'll go talk to the Midnats Sutsko so you two can sort your problems out. It's a sentient plant, you two needs to listen to each other," He added with a huff, hand carefully running up and down yoongi's back.

"I thought you couldn't talk to plants," Yoongi muttered, the tears finally stilling. He had never felt this loved and accepted in his life. For the first time, he was hopeful. Taehyung made everything seem possible.

"I can't, but the Midnats sutsko is more scentient than most plants and there is really no room for misinterpretation. It adores you. Loves you, completely. You two are just too stupid to use the connection you have to each other. And even if I can't talk to plants they generally get the drift once I begin to zap them with magic. I can bring Jungkook, half the garden is terrified to be turned into one of his inventions anyways so maybe the stubborn ones will give in if I make him rattle a screwdriver. I have plans, Yoongi, so don't you worry. This garden will be better than ever in no time," Taehyung said, the sound of Bogum rustling his leaves in agreement sounding somewhere by the window.

"You're ridiculous but I love you," Yoongi sniffled, his chest feeling oddly light as he leaned back trying to wipe his tears away as he looked up at Taehyung.

"Good," Taehyung said with a bright smile before he suddenly looked a bit funny. "And that was a proposal, by the way," he added in a rush. "I promise to make it that much more grand and romantic," he mumbled, scratching his head. Yoongi couldn't help but smile. Taehyung's hair was sticking all over the place, he was bare chested and had a fair amount of Yoongi's tears wiped all over him, but still he looked perfect.

"I'm looking forward to it," Yoongi said, grinning as he took taehyung's hand. Now he knew Taehyung knew and accepted the worst parts of him Yoongi felt a little lighter than normal He knew the fears would still be there, that he still deep down feared he would hurt Taehyung, but right now everything didn't seem so bad. Taehuyng made it sound so simple.

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