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a seriously fucking lengthy chapter >'< i don have the patience to divide it into parts so- 


Taehyung felt like shit.

He didn't really know why he even tried anymore, but he was too stubborn to quit. He looked sadly at the flowers before him, feeling the echo of their pain as they mourned their severed limbs. Taehyung swept up the last of the leaves on the floor, dumping the torn-up mess in the dumpster in the corner.

Bogum was fuming in the corner, twisting his leaves in anger as the ivy tried to pat the poor Water Daisies. Taehyung could only sigh as he looked over his designated greenhouse. At least 4 plants were missing and the rest had been heavily trimmed to a point where Taehyung knew he would have to wait at least three more weeks before they were back at normal. Some of them probably even had to be taken out of his experiment all together as he needed fully happy plants, not scared and slightly scarred plants.

Taehyung leaned against the broom feeling a lot like just giving up and going home. He didn't understand why people felt the need to steal his plants all the time, if they just asked him nicely then he would have given them away freely. He didn't get why the fire witches from his Potions Class had to destroy his plants either. He knew they were mad that he had gotten the best grade for his sleeping potion despite them having ruined every attempt he had made, but he really felt this was taking it too far.

Taehyung looked at the broken windows as well. At least the gardeners knew it wasn't Taehyung who kept breaking the glass, but it was getting increasingly embarrassing to go ask them to fix his greenhouse. They had already replaced two sets of glass this week, and Taehyung hated that he had to ask them for more.

He couldn't help but look at the empty spot on the other side of the student greenhouse. He used to have a partner. A lovely wild witch with an odd fondness for anything even resembling roses, but after a few fire witches had cut down her roses thinking they were Taehyung's, she had moved.

It seemed that no matter what Taehyung did he would never quite keep people around.

"Come on, Bogum," Taehyung sighed as he left the broom in a corner and went over to pick up his pointy hat. He was feeling anxious not having Bogum close and even feeling the familiar weight of the ivy on his head didn't settle his nerves like it used to. With how many of his plants that had gone missing Taehyung was seriously beginning to fear someone would actually try and steal Bogum. "We better go home. If we're lucky Kookie will let us sleep in his room again," Taehyung muttered as he walked into the late evening summer sunset.

The sun was low on the sky, a warm breeze tickling at Taehyung's cheeks. Normally the weather would have cheered him up, but today he just couldn't muster a smile at the sunshine.

Taehyung knew it was useless with the already broken windows, but he still locked the door to the greenhouse. He really hoped there wouldn't be any more plants missing, but he knew better than to hope. Taehyung would be lucky if he was even able to finish a smidgen of his graduation project. If things continued this way he was forced to change the subject and maybe even have to drop his potion's major.

Taehyung sulked as he walked out the gate and away from the student gardens and greenhouses. It couldn't continue this way, but since people kept breaking in, there wasn't anything he wouldn't do. He had tried wording them and even setting one of Bogum's seedlings to keep guard but that had only ended up getting him scolded by the head of the wild magic department since everyone was allowed in the greenhouses and keeping other out was against regulations.

Taehyung kicked a random rock, feeling no pleasure as it skirted off the paved path connecting the different departments of the Magic Academy.

If it had been only in the public areas that Taehyung's stuff was ruined then Taehyung could have dealt with it, but the attempts to break into his dorm was growing in numbers and even with Jungkook's alarms, Taehyung had lost a few of his seedlings. He had even lost his small pepper plant he had grown from a few seeds Jimin had given him some weeks ago. If it continued Taehyung wouldn't have anything left.

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