part 12 | ophiocordyceps unilateralis | thirty-two

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Taehyung felt his whole stomach flutter as he walked through the hidden door in the wall. He skipped a few steps, ignoring how Sugar Cube hissed from his basket. But Taehyung only laughed, hurrying through the back of the storage room, almost jumping into the potion kitchen.

Taehyung was happy.

"You do know Yoongi isn't here today, right?" Seokjin said as he looked up from the big cobber kettle he had been stirring around in. "He'll be gone all day," he added shaking his head when Taehyung simply spun around himself, before setting Sugar Cube's basket down on the floor.

"I know," Taehyung sighed, feeling his heart fall a little. But then he remembered the kiss Yoongi had given him a few days ago and everything was suddenly okay again. "But he'll be back later." It didn't mean anything that Taehyung had been swamped with paperwork and meetings for his thesis, it didn't matter that he hadn't had the opportunity to talk with Yoongi yet. No, nothing mattered.

Because Yoongi had kissed him.

Taehyung jumped a little on the spot, stopping himself from squealing like an excited child. He was seeing Yoongi today and nothing, absolutely nothing was going to ruin Taehyung's mood. He hadn't even minded the usual harassment from Professor Hong, nor had the fact that someone had stolen his new Twickly pear. It was a duplicate from the one he had here in the garden, so it didn't matter. Taehyung could always make another one grow, so who cared?

Yoongi liked Taehyung and that was all Taehyung cared about.

He had never been happier in his entire life.

"I see you're not wearing your usual shoes," Seokjin pointed out looking at Taehyung's blue sneakers. Taehyung looked down, wiggling his toes a little as he did. He had so much restless energy that he had made a trail of weeds grow where ever he stepped. If there was even a tiny seed close to Taehyung at the moment it would definitely bloom.

"No," Taehyung grinned, wiggling his toes some more before he looked up at Seokjin again. "I didn't feel like I would need them anymore," he beamed, repressing his desire to pick up the grooming Sugar Cube at his feet and give the cat a twirl.

Last time he did that the familiar had refused to speak with him for a week.

"Namjoon was right then" Seokjin muttered, rolling his eyes. "Also, you better go in the garden or you'll have the whole place blossoming in a second," Seokjin said with a fond sigh and he strode past Taehyung and picked up a glass jar that had been filled with dried seeds.

The jar was now filled with tiny delicate spring green sprouts.

"Whoops," Taehyung grinned, his mood so good he didn't even get annoyed at his own magic. "Sorry, Jin," he grinned, reaching out and hugging the dryad quickly.

"It's okay, I have plenty more in the back room," Seokjin laughed, smiling at Taehyung's happiness. "Now go out and entertain Jimin and Kookie so they don't come and bother Hoseok. I actually need his help," Seokjin said, eyes flickering to the ceiling. "When he wakes up, that is." He sighed.

Taehyung looked at the clock. He knew Hoseok was a late sleeper but it was almost two in the afternoon. How could anyone sleep that late?

"I think they're down by the Blood Oak," Seokjin said, gently pushing Taehyung out of the door and away from the jars filled with dried ingredients. "Now off you go before you revive the dried salamanders," he teased giving Taehyung a last shove out the doors.

"I haven't done that since I was four and they all died again pretty quick," Taehyung huffed, barely managing to get a hold of his backpack and the basket with seeds the wanted to plant out.

AFFINITY.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ