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It was on days like today that Yoongi seriously considered just quitting his job, he was hungry and exhausted and people had apparently decided to be even more idiotic than usual.

"Next," Yoongi yelled, his mouth morphing into a thin line when yet another customer gave him a sad look when they had to come to his end of the counter instead of Seokjin's.

"I'm not in a hurry, I can wait for the other guy," the teenage boy stuttered as he pointed at Seokjin, who looked stunning as always, gold cuffs glittering at his wrist and the crown of sweet smelling lavender on top of his golden hair. "I just need a pack of dried fish scales, I can wait," the boy rushed, looking slightly panicked as Seokjin's line moved forward making the boy the next one at the till.

"You know, if you just want to hang out here, fine. NEXT!" Yoongi yelled feeling the last leftovers of his patience unravel.

"Your customer service is atrocious," Namjoon muttered, eyes still on his book. Yoongi turned his head to look at his friend, as always trying to quell the urge to hit him over the head. "You know they're all just here to look at Jin," Namjoon said, frowning a little as he looked up to see the teenage boy from before giving Seokjin a starry-eyed look.

"I know, it's the only reason you dragged your sorry ass down here in the first place," Yoongi mumbled sourly. It was Namjoon's day off, but since Seokjin had to help man the counter Namjoon had dragged in a chair from the back and had begun reading. He only looked up if he suspected that someone got a little too forward with his boyfriend. A rather prominent rain cloud was already hanging under the ceiling, rumbling threateningly whenever someone got too flirty with Seokjin.

"Excuse me?" A familiar voice said hesitantly, and Yoongi felt his heart skip a beat when he turned to look at Taehyung. The younger man was looking between Namjoon and Yoongi with wide eyes. "I'm next," he added with a shy smile, eyes settling on Yoongi.

Taehyung hadn't been by in almost two weeks and it had been bothering Yoongi. Taehyung usually dropped by the shop at least two times a week having always forgotten something. Yoongi hadn't really noticed, but somewhere along the way he had begun to look forward to the visits, to seeing Taehyung again. His absence had been odd and it irked Yoongi for some reason.

"Hello, Mushroom Boy," Namjoon said, ignoring his book in favor of giving Taehyung a stern look. "Those shoes better be off," he muttered, a few drops of rain hitting the counter in warning. Yoongi sighed, he was too tired for this shit.

"You better not make it rain in here, Namjoon, I'll kick you out. Besides you'll make Jin's white shirt see-through. I really don't think you need to have more people staring hungrily at him right now," He muttered, eyes flickering to the teenager boy who was now dragging himself away from the counter, barely blinking as Seokjin wished him a good day.

"You sure you don't want to change till as well?" Yoongi asked bitterly, not wanting to look up and see Taehyung send Seokjin admiring looks.

"Nah, I like you better," Taehyung said, voice so soft Yoongi barely heard it. Still, Yoongi's eyes flickered up and went wide as he stared at Taehyung in mild shock. "You're prettier," Taehyung added, his cheeks flushed and that odd buzzing returned to Yoongi's stomach.

"Thanks," Yoongi stuttered. He knew Taehyung was lying, but he was oddly moved by the words.

"Now this is interesting," Namjoon said, flipping his book closed and leaning over the table to look at Taehyung. "I see why Hoseok was giggling when he told me he had met you," he added, giving Taehyung one of his rare curious stares. It was quite an honor to get Namjoon's full attention and Yoongi couldn't help but stare in confusion at his friend.

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