part 10 | marasmius rotula | thirty

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Taehyung settled into his hideout, trying to get comfortable against the tree he had chosen. He couldn't help but look towards the house, wondering if he was well enough hidden behind the bush. He didn't want anyone to find him. It would be too awkward. He was slowly running out of excuses for not going inside the house as it was.

With another sigh, Taehyung leaned back staring up at the leaves hanging over his head. It was clear that everyone knew something was going on. Taehyung had spent every evening at the house since he had moved his plants into the greenhouse. The fact that he hadn't been doing so for the last three days had raised a few eyebrows.

And it made Taehyung long for Seokjin's superior food. Cup noodles just weren't the same after having tried some of Seoul's best cuisine.

Taehyung sighed again, closing his eyes. Immediately he was back in the dining room, Yoongi on a chair above him, wrapped tightly in Taehyung's arms. Taehyung could still feel Yoongi's cold hands on his chest, still feel Yoongi's breath on his face. The kiss had been playing over and over on the back of Taehyung's eyelids for the last three days and somewhere in his stomach a painful longing had settled, its claws digging into him mercilessly.

He never should have kissed Yoongi, now Taehyung just wanted more.

Taehyung slammed the book into his forehead.

He hissed, closing his eyes and he remembered back to three days ago when he completely screwed his life over. He couldn't believe he had been that stupid. He had been struggling like hell not to kiss Yoongi for months and then he decided to do it while they were eating freaking fried chicken.

Taehyung was the biggest idiot on Earth. There was no competition, no doubt and not even a swaying vote. Taehyung had fucked everything over.

"I'm an idiot," he hissed, slapping the book into his head again. He did it a little softer than the first time because it had hurt like hell and he was trying to punish himself, not knock himself unconscious. "Fucking idiotic, good-for-nothing seaweed-brain," he hissed, finally letting the book settle on his chest. His forehead was beginning to hurt and he didn't want a bruise because he was pretty sure that was going to make his conversations with the rest of his friends even more awkward.

Jungkook was already asking some very leading questions and Namjoon was grinning like a loon every time he saw Taehyung. It was only a matter of time before people figured out that Taehyung had kissed Yoongi.

Right on the mouth.

Several times.

Taehyung whined, kicking a little at the dirt under his feet. A row of daisies immediately sprouting up from the earth. Taehyung scowled at them. Even the silly three in the middle of the garden seemed to have out of patience with him. He had just gotten used to his magic being somewhat steady and now she was tugging at him left and right, her impatience running through the garden within the plant roots ensuring Taehyung could barely sneeze without Butter Bomb Cups or Porcupine cacti springing up everywhere.

For once, Taehyung was glad that he was used to his mom's rather aggressive plants. He was very good at dodging after a childhood of plants attacking him on a whim.

It wasn't like Taehyung could blame her though because he was fully aware that he was the biggest coward to ever chicken out of anything. He just couldn't get the courage to face Yoongi. He wasn't sure why he was so afraid.

Or, rather he was.

Which was the whole problem.

Taehyung was pretty sure Yoongi was going to squirt water in his face, kick his sorry ass halfway into hell before he would throw Taehyung out the apothecary with a solemn promise to never speak to Taehyung ever again.

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