Grandmother Vs. Father

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"Have I ever abandoned him before? I will stand by him no matter what."

"Good. Akio is very weak but, it's not because of his condition. It's because AKio's tree is infected. I know this because when i was in the operating room the slab of cells were blue instead of the usual color. Hunt down the tree and remove the impurity."

"If I do?"

"Akio will be as strong as ever and will never get sick. A normal god wouldn't get sick however since he is only a quarter god he is dependent on his life line. "

I nodded as if it makes sense.

"How do I know which tree is his?"


"That is the root of the problem I just don't know. Let akio walk around until you smell a tree that has his scent."

"How do I remove the impurity?"

"Take this. It's holy sap just pour it over the black spot and it will heal over time."


We whipped around and Akio was rubbing his eyes.

"AKio you should be lying down. You just had major surgery remember?"

"I should be in the HOSPITAL right now. Instead I'm here. So what do we have to eat."

I got up and said,

"I can make!"

"YOU. Get away from the kitchen. Even if I had major surgery just stop. It would be much better for me to cook."

I sat down feeling sad.

Did he like cooking that much?

"Akio lay down.  I can cook don't worry."

"Okay grandma. Just don't let him near the kitchen."

"If you say so."

AKio's granmother got up and made some lamb chops and AKio sat by me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Is there a reason why you didn't put me back in the hospital after what happened?"

"Well your the one always complaining how the food there was always nasty so..........................................."

"Never mind! Just tell me one thing."

"Anything AKio."

"Did you at least buy some pain medication'?"

"DId I what?"

"You little! YOU don't kidnap someone and forget to buy pain medicine for the pain."


No wonder he is so pale faced it's because he isn't feeling well!

"I'll get it right now. What should I buy>"


"Morphine! Get alot of morphine either in shot or in tablets I don't care just get them already!"

I ran to the pharmacy and bought a huge thing of medicine under pain reliever and I I ran to akio and he took one of the pills.

"Fellz kinza undy" He dropped to the ground like a stone and I caught him before he could hit his head.

I looked at the label of the medicine bottle.


Oh crap. well did it make him relax at least?

He looks peaceful. I let him lie on his bed and I stayed quiet. He hasn't been sleeping well and I even forgot to buy pain medication.

What kind of idiot am I?

I kissed aKio and realized that since Akio and I have been together I have been feeling more at ease.

I walked out of his room and I smelled a werewolf near by.

Is it faust? A low growl started in my throat and a firm hand landed on my shoulder.

AKio's granmother?

"Don't growl. He isn't going to harm us. Trust me."

"Please allow me to enter."

"Come in! If you don't then you can say what you want to say outside."

A man entered through the door and I saw that he looked like an older version of Akio.

Could this man be?\

"How is aKio? IS he alright?"

You aren't allowed to see him but, yes he is alright.

He landed on the couch with a sigh.

"Miss Taisen please let me see."

"NO. My grandson chose to leave you out of his life for a reason. I will respect that so please leace us alone."

"He is my son Taisen. I should be able to see him whenever I please."

I saw Miss Taisen turn red.

"You were given your chance many years ago to have that right. You ignored it and didn't aknowledge that AKio was your son until your own wife couldn't bear children. What kind of father is that?"

"I know I have made mistakes and I won't forgive myself. however please let me see my son he just had surgery for christ sake! Do you have any idea how major that is? How can you be so cold?"

"THis is his second operation Itsuki. HE is fighting this battle with all his strenght and doesn't want to be pitied on. He tried hiding it and when that didn't work he tried making sure we were all alright before he told us and even tried to confort us after telling us what was wrong. He is the most wonderful grandson I could ever ask for. You rejected his mother and in his eyes you rejected him as well. You could have had the perfect son but, you ruined your own chances.Now get out."

Itsuki shot me a pleading look and I ignored it. This man had hurt AKio.

I pushed him out and locked the door and I hurried back to AKio. He was fast asleep but, he looked like he was having a nightmare.

He was sweating, tossing and turning and mumbling in his sleep.

What could he be dreaming about?

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