Another sudden development

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Kaoru left my side and I felt that I had made the right choice.

He loves me with all his even though he knows I have nothing to offer him in return.

Such a selfless guy.

I hated how the IV in my arm was hurting me whenever I moved my right arm so I kept it still.

I heard the distant beeps and when I opened my eyes I saw the one person that I least wanted to see.

The doctor. Oh joy.

He smiled at me and said,"Okay AKio we are going to operate on you today."

I sat up right and demanded,"What? I thought that we were going to do it in a few days!"

"We have to do the surgery now. IF we do then there is a chance that we can remove it without having to remove your own heart."

I grimaced.

"ALright doc." I was closed off from the rest of the hospital and I felt dread seep into my mind.

I'm not ready.

I was about to change my mind when they stuck me with a needle and I fell asleep.


"What do you mean that AKio is under the knife?!!" I yelled and the doctor struggled in my grip.

"We have no choice. THe cancer is spreading quicker than we thought. If we don't do it now then AKio will die without fail."

I released the doctor and my body shook.

Cancer. I now know why he's sick.

Why? WHat has Akio done to have so many awful things happen to him?

I will kill this doctor if he doesn't make it.

I sat down and I heard that AKio would be in surgery for several hours but, I stayed outside the hospital.

I am too cowardly too leave him alone.

I stayed out in the cold rain and listened to the rain falling and washing away my sins and my fears.

I finally left the hospital but, I visited the hospital often.

Even if I couldn't see AKio it doesn't mean that I can't be near him.

Every day For a month I waited until finally his grandmother said that we could go visit him..

She went in first and I felt a shock of agony whe she told me that he didn't want to see he for a while.

WHy not?

Does he hate me now?

ANxiety ate at me and I stayed in the hospital and other people visited him other than me.

I cannot go against his wishes.

Akio did I do something to offend you?

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