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How does one describe being in love?
Does it make you vulnerable to heartbreak does it make you stronger?
Are soulmates real?

You spent a lot of time thinking about such things- before him. Before Loki waltzed into your life and everything seemed to fall into place. 24/7 bliss. Happiness. Laughter. Sex. Love.

You loved this and him. Intoxicating as he is, you heart fluttered with joy each time you saw him. And the way he made you feel, like the only one who mattered to him was you.

The way he stroked your cheek as if you were a fragile butterfly or the way he stopped while thrusting into you to tell you how much he loved you. It made you fall harder and harder but you didn't care. What you felt for him was unparalleled and it was wonderful.

The two of you looked at each other in the morning. Smiling, fingers moving to intertwine with his under the covers. Lips curving into a smile, your eyes never leaving his and his never leaving yours. Your breath hot on each other's faces as you thought about the other.

"Lokes, I have to go. It's afternoon already and I haven't got anything done."
You whine.

"No (y/n). Just a few moments more." He murmured, "Let me look at you for a little more time."

You blushed and scooted closer to him, rubbing your nose against his and giggling. He chuckled in return and you placed a small kiss on the tip of his nose before settling back down.

Loki's POV

How did this happen. How is she so perfect? I cannot but think of my future with her. Without her, I am nothing.

Her eyes are so mesmerizing. Especially when they're looking at me. I cannot live without her.

I love her beyond words and worlds. She is my everything. I want her to be mine.
No, I need her to be mine.

But is it too early to bring up this topic?
Would she scare away or reciprocate?
Gods, her smile is driving me insane.

Back to (y/n)'s POV.

"Earth to Mr. Laufeyson." You taunt and Loki snaps back into reality.

"What were you thinking about?" You probe.

"You. Us." He says and kisses your knuckles.

"Oh." You say, smile dropping.

"What's wrong?" His voice laced with concern.

"It's nothing." You shrug.

"No, tell me." He says.

"Lokes. I'm happy now." You breathe in.

"As am I." He replies, confused.

"No, you don't get it. I can't....I cannot give you what you want." You say.

"I'm not sure I quite get what you're meaning to say, darling." he moves closer as you move away.

"Loki. I've been in relationships before and....I just- I somehow find a way to fuck it up." You say and get up from the bed, pulling the covers to wrap around your naked body.

"What do you mean?" He asks, sitting up.

"I don't want to feel the sadness of heartbreak. And the best way to avoid it is to leave before they get the chance to leave you and break you." You state, looking out of the window.

You continued, "I love you Loki, but face it, at some point I'll be a grey haired old woman, cold in her bed and you'll still be......you."

"But (Y/n)-" he begins but you interrupt him, "No-no. I know you'll just say that you'll love me anyway but I can't allow you to do that."

He starts again, "But at least lis-", you interrupt him again, "Loki, please. It's inevitable. We cannot end up together."

"For Gods sake, LET ME SPEAK, WOMAN!", He growled and came to hug you from behind.

Placing a kiss on your bare shoulder, the two of you basked in this moment of silence and anticipation.

"I need to tell you something. Or ask you, rather." Loki says shakily.

"Yes, what is it?" You say, turning to face him. His arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him.

"Well, first, promise me that you won't get all loud and squeaky." He says.

Rolling your eyes and a failed attempt at a hair flip, you say, "Bitch please. That ain't me."

Loki's eyes narrowed at what you called him but he just shook his head in disappointment and continued.

"On Asgard, people live for a long time. A few lifetimes in Midgardian measure. Right?"  He says.

"Right. And that what I've been saying all this while which you probably weren't even listening to but-" he interrupted.


"Sorry. Go on." You relent.

"Thank you. Now, as you know we're immortal, in a way. And I practice magic, right? So, I spent a lot of time thinking and working. Ultimately, I've been able to make something. For you.....for us, actually.", Says he.

"Okay?" You say, eyebrow quirking upwards.

He takes a deep breath and leaves you, walking over to the bedside drawer.

Your eyes widen as he pulls out a small box.

What. The. Fuck.

"No, no, no, no. Loki, no." You say and frantically turn around to walk away. You couldn't be here.
He's going to propose!?

"(Y/n)!" He called after you,
"Why in Valhalla are you running away?"

Cinderella vibes. You thought and tripped over the table leg, falling and bruising your elbow.

"Fucking hell. Stupid clumsy fucking legs." You curse and turned to sit. Loki gives you his hand to help you up. He had wrapped another bedsheet around his waist and he looked uh...hot. Hot enough for you to fall back down, on your ass this time.

"Are you alright?" He asks but his face was wild with amusement.

"Yea yes I'm- wait. ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME!? CAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD-" You were cut off by his hearty laugh.

It took a few seconds and a deathly glare before you joined him. Your laughter forming a musical tune together.

"You clearly need me, love." He chuckled before green mist blew over your elbow, the bruise vanishing.

"Don't flatter yourself." You rolled your eyes playfully and punched him in his shoulder. He feigned innocence,
"Too late, baby."

"I need to ask you something. Please don't try to run away this time." He says, voice becoming serious.

"Please don't. I don't want you to regret it. I won't be able to bear you being unhappy because of me." You try to leave his hand but his grasp was too tight.

"Just hear me out. This changes nothing between us. I will love you anyway, completely and forever." He says.

Loki left your hands to bring up the tiny box.

His eyes were looking at your face intently and he slowly opened the box.

You gasped, "Oh."

You continued after a few heartbeats,
"Well...this is not what I was expecting."

The corner of his lips curved into a smile.



I HATE ECON¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯


Idk why I've come to like these text-type emojis lmao.

1207 WORDS💕


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