Office Misdemeanor

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You woke up the next morning still feeling the bliss of last night. Loki's arm was draped around you and your legs were intertwined.

You slowly shift and turn around to face him. You took your finger and trailed lightly along his eyebrows, cheekbone, down to his lips which parted slightly.

"Loki, Why are you so handsome?", You said softly as his eyes open slowly.

"It's rude to stare, sweetling." He said in his coarse morning voice which made you feel things in your lower abdomen.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring." You reply and turn around to get up.

"Don't go." He said and held your hand.

"I have work to do, Loki." You say but he doesn't let go.

"Indeed you do." He says and guides your hand in between his legs.
He was hard and probably ready to go a round or two.

You gasped and took a deep breath.

"What do you want me to do?" You ask, your eyes trailing down his muscular chest and torso which disappeared under the sheets.

Your hand was still on his length which you had slowly started to move.

"Anything you want." His head falls back into the pillows as you quicken the pace.

You remove your hand and spit in it before returning to his length.
"Fuck.", He cursed, aroused at the sensation.

You climb over him, straddling him and begin kissing his lips.

He reached his climax soon as you sucked on his neck and broad shoulders. He moaned your name in between groans and pleas, making you wet. Every sound that left his lips aroused you.

He came screaming your name, affirming you sweetly.

A few minutes later, you get up to go although Loki didn't want you to.

You picked out something formal to wear for the day as you had to go about different departments.

                    (Pretty hot, eh?)

You got dressed and headed down to Stark's staff department to submit some documents.

You walked around quickly, talking to them about the new modifications to the security system. You felt many of the men stare at you subtly but did not think much of it.

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