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You woke up in the middle of the night, still overcome with that feeling of bliss, the feeling of being in his arms.

Without making a sound, you got up and went to complete the work which would help you keep your job. The night went by quickly what with your staring and typing away at the keyboard.

Dressing up, you press a chaste kiss on Loki's forehead. His eyelids flutter in his sleep and you smiled uncontrollably, remembering the events of last night. Your core throbbed at the thought of his hand pinning yours while the other guided himself into you.
Best to leave before anything happens and you'll be late to work again.

Loki woke up a few hours later, groaning as he found your side of the bed empty.
Looking over to the bedside table, he spotted a glass of juice and cold pancakes with a note.


Going to work. Eat up!
Wear the suit in the cupboard and be ready at 6. I'll pick you up.

Your glorious purpose<3

Loki couldn't wipe away the smile on his face. Never had he had anyone who cared enough to make sure he ate or even if he was alright. He gulped and let out a breath before diving into the delicious food.

You walked nervously into Stark's office. The entire presentation that you put forward was impressive. Stark's jaw dropped in awe at your efficiency and dedication. Congratulations were in order and you received them humbly.

"(Y/n), clearly, I've underestimated you. I think you'll be good at this." Tony said, picking up a file and handing it to you.

You glanced through it and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You want me to sneak into the Hydra headquarters and hack their security system?" You exclaim in a high pitched voice.

"Yes." He replies confidently.

You had never been given a task of such importance and you felt like you were essential. You nodded vigorously and pressed the file your chest.

"Great. Natasha and I will accompany you. I'll be your eyes on the outside and she'll fight off the guards on the inside while you work your way into their system."

"Yes Sir! I'm looking forward." You smile and walk towards the door.

"(Y/n)" Tony called out.

You turned around to face him.

"We have to leave in a few minutes. Are you sure you're up for it?" He asked. "It's dangerous and I'll call it off if you're not completely sure that you can handle it."

You take a deep breath.

"Sir, thank you for your concern. I assure you I am capable enough to handle myself. And I know how important this is for the Avengers. I will do anything I can to help."

In half an hour, you were perched on the back of Natasha's bike while Stark chose to fly till their building.

Very carefully, Natasha disabled alarms and the two of you made your way through one of the windows. Stark constantly kept away the guards by distracting them and blasting fire on them if necessary.

Finally, both of you reached the security room where Nat beat up and tied the only guard who was already half asleep in his chair.

You began typing, analysing and evaluating everything. A few minutes passed in silence which worried Nat. Hydra troops should've been here by now. She asked you to hurry up and you tried.

You pressed cut and paste to your pen drive. All Hydra's confidential information was being transferred to the pen drive. The tab on the screen showing the progress made your heart beat quicker and quicker with anticipation and excitement.

"Stark?" Natasha said into the earpiece.

"Hey Tony? Are you there?" She said worriedly.

Turning to you, she says, "(y/n), something's wrong."

And that's when the metal door burst open. Five guys scrambled into the room, pointing guns at the two of you.

"Hands up!" One of them screamed.

Your shaky hands went up as did Nat's.

Silence fell for a few moments. It was deafening. Your heartbeat in your ears, hands shivering, breathing uneven. Your eyes darted from one armed guy to another, it felt like staring in the face of death.

And then, it began. Natasha screeched,"(y/n)! Duck!". She threw hard punches and kicks at one guy after another, trying to take away their guns with each swift movement.

Tears streamed down your face as you reached down and removed your pistol from your bag. It was fully loaded.

From under the wooden table, you pointed it to the leg one of the men and shot.

He screamed in pain and feel to the ground, hands grabbing at his thigh.

"Fuck...fuck." You breathed.

Three were down of five. You were sure there were more on their way.

Natasha managed to get the other two down as well. She locked the door and you shifted the heavy table against it.

She sunk down beside you, gasping and your eyes darted to her abdomen.

It was bleeding ferociously and you tensed up. You sobbed as you rushed to put your hands over the wound.

Warm tears ran down her face. You roughly folded a piece of cloth and pressed it against the wound.

"Hey.. it-it's alright..... everything's okay Nat. Ju-just stay....stay with me okay?" You tried to stop crying.

"Help is..on-on the way.....don't- Don't close your eyes. Please..."

"It's okay." She said, trying to smile, "It's okay."

Consciousness left her and she went limp in your arms. Her pulse slowed down a little. You felt panic surging through you.

Someone began banging on the door.

"(Y/n)?? Are you there?" Came a voice from your earpiece.

"Tony! Oh my god! It's Nat" you said quickly.

"She's shot and unconscious. Tony do something! They're here. Please. They're outside the door." You sob.

"Stay put, I'm coming to get you."

You pulled out your phone and recorded a voice message which you sent to Loki.

The window blasted open just as soon as the door did.

As Tony shot at them, you carried Natasha to the window, almost dropping her a few times. Stark carried her out of the window and put his hand out for you to grab.

But one of the men was faster. He caught you and dragged you in front of him. Shielding himself from Stark.

"(Y/n)! Move! I can't get a clear shot!" He said.

"Stark!" You scream but the armed man managed to take you out of the room as ten more guys came in to make sure that Stark leaves without further trouble.



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