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Notice: To those who have started reading this story on or before 28th May, 2021, I have continued chapter 1 a bit.
So please go back and read that before starting chapter 2.
Sorry for the inconvenience:)

Okay, On with the story!


You spent the day on your laptop doing some stuff Tony had assigned to you. You specialise in coding which is what you get paid for. And it is good money.

Before you sleep, you go to the kitchen silently to grab a bite. Thankfully, he's not there this time.

Your floor is huge and has more than 10 rooms each with a private bathroom, a conference room, a lavish kitchen and a living room typa thing.

Currently it was just the two of you lodging on this floor.
And ocassionally, a housekeeper would come in to make sure the kitchen was full and the furniture, clean.

You made a cheese sandwich and complimented your eating skills while savouring every bite.

Once you're done, you move to go back.
Um, should you check in with our guest?
No, obviously. You thought while walking back. He's rude and arrogant and-
Fine, if his door's open I'll peep in and see.

You walked slowly, trying not to make any noise. Well, his door just had to be open! You scowl internally.

You hold the door and look inside. He was right there, laying on the soft bed, eyes closed.

Damn, he looked good.

He was wearing just a Black tshirt and a long black pajama. One arm under his head, his bicep flexing. The other on his stomach as he took slow breaths.

You could look at him all day.

"Like what you see, darling?", He smirked slyly, eyes still closed.

He knew you were there.

You quickly turn and run to your room. You swear you heard him chuckle, which made your heart flip. It was smooth, like silk. And you wanted to hear it again. And again.
Okay, what's wrong with you?

You try to sleep but his face kept popping up in your head. It was hours before you finally drifted off.


You woke up to someone knocking on your door.

Was it him?

You got up and tied a robe around yourself and open the door.

To your surprise, it was Tony.
"Good morning, (Y/N), You look as beautiful as always. Can we have a chat? I'm in a hurry.", he said sweetly.

You mustered a reply, "Yes sir, sure. Not a problem. Do give me a minute to change out of my pajamas." He smiled and nodded, walking away.

You put on something suitable and walked to the conference room. You spotted Tony with.....him. Loki.
He was wearing a suit now. His lean, slender but muscular body looked divine in it. You couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked. Hell, he was hot.

Walking around the couch, you sit down on the right end. Loki was on your left and Tony sat on a chair in front of the both of you.

"Is everything alright?", You ask nervously. Tony looks at you, " Yes (Y/N) everything's fine. I just wanted to talk about some things." He took a breath.

" As you know, you and reindeer games here are the only ones on this floor. We need to set some ground rules." He said somewhat sternly.

Loki looked at me sideways then back at Tony, "And what exactly, may I ask, are these 'rules'?"
" Well, for starters, I need you both to get along to avoid any problems that may or may not arise later. Loki, keep your hands to yourself. Behave yourself when you're around (Y/N)." He told Loki.

You felt protected somehow. Your trust in Tony grew as he said this.

Loki shrugged, "That's not going to be a problem. I have better things to do than to engage myself with some common mortal."

Ouch, that stung.

"No. I need you both to interact and get along. Like friends. If we face an emergency, I want you both to be able to manage the situation like a team." He said.

You told him with some confidence, " Sir, as much as I would like another friend, I'd rather steer clear of people who are so full of themselves that they consider everyone else.......insects."

Loki chuckled and said, "You pretty much stole my words, darling." You glared at him, his eyes filled with amusement.

Okay, you were annoyed now.
"I am not your 'darling', you ass! I should bloody well give you a piece of my mind you-"

Tony interrupted," See! This is how friendship starts. Great to see your cooperation guys. I have some stuff to get to, so, see you later." He said while walking away. Slipping into the lift you tried to say something but sighed instead and fell deeper into the couch.

You looked over at Loki who looked deep in thought. "So, Loki, 'God of Mischief', what are your super powers?" You ask. He snaps his eyes to you. Studying you. Taking you in.

He moved closer, your knees touching.
"Lady (y/n)", he says in a really sultry voice.

He looked so good in this light. And you'd be lying if you say he didn't smell good. Your eyes involuntarily fall to his lips for a brief moment and you found yourself thinking about how his soft lips would feel on yours. On your mouth, your breasts, down your body.

You licked your lips. He smirked as if he knew what you were thinking. Shit, could he read your mind?

You looked back at his eyes and reply in a croaky voice, " Yes?".

"Why were you outside my room last night?", He asked smugly, ignoring your previous question.

"I w-was just passing by." You said trying to suppress your blush. He came even closer.

"Are you sure you did not need something? Maybe if you ask for it, or beg, I could give it to you.", He said smirking.
Did he just make some sexual reference?

You couldn't think, He was too close. His hot breath brushed against your face. He licked his lips and caught your eyes on his mouth once again.


Your face went red as you got up and mumbled, " I h-have to get back to work."

He chuckled.


Yayy! Drop a comment guys! Looking forward to hearing from y'all!💕

Hope that was a good read!:))
1082 words.


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