Wounded Soldier

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You couldn't sleep that night. You had to see him. You had to.

He was growing on you and you wanted him to. You've never felt this way before and you didn't want to let go
Not yet.

You get up and look in the mirror. Wiping the tear that had fallen without you knowing, you walk slowly to his room. You knock twice.

"Loki....?", You say with your head against the door.

"Now is not a good time, (y/n).", Loki said softly.

"Please, I need to talk to you."

""I cannot talk right-now.", You heard him struggle while speaking. Was he hurt?

You open the door without being invited in and gasp loudly at what you see.

He was on his bed. Without a shirt and a huge cut on his abdomen.

"Damnit woman! Can't you just listen for once!", He growled.

"What the hell! When did- How- Loki...".
You were shocked and felt as if you were the one who was hurt. The look in his eyes. He didn't want you to see him that way. Helpless, hurt.

You ran and sat beside him. Looking at him ever so sweetly. The wound was hardly bleeding. Thank god.

"How?", You said pleadingly. He groaned and looked at you.

"When we were fighting, I heard you scream from behind me. I thought something had happened to you, so I turned and he striked me right then."
He took a breath," I hid it with magic till we came back. I didn't want anyone to know."

"Why not? We could have helped you-" you tried to say but he cut you off.

"No. It was my first mission. And I don't need anybody's sympathy. I am not weak." He says, reflecting.

"No, of course not. No one thinks that. And showing that you do get hurt sometimes does not make you weak or any less of a person." You say, then correct yourself," any less of a God." You smile sweetly at him.

He gets lost just looking at you. As if he was dying of thirst and you were an ocean.
He groans in pain as you touch him.

You felt tears on your face and look away.

He cried too. When you weren't there. Of course. It was visible in his face.

You felt something so deep for him in that moment.
You hold his hand. Tight.
As if you were scared to let go. You bring it up to your lips and gently kiss it after caressing it carefully.

He looked confused. Like he was trying hard to understand something but couldn't.

"Can I do anything to help?" You say looking at the wound. Not leaving his hand.

"I appreciate it but I've got it under control. I think. Although, you could be of help for something else." He says and smirks, hinting at something sexual. Obviously.

"Seriously? I'm trying to be a good person here. Ugh. All you boys are the same. Literally.", You say and get up to go.

But he doesn't leave your hand. Pulling you back down,"What? I meant I'm a little famished. Perhaps you could get me something to eat?" He looked at you so innocently that you almost believed him.

"You think me so stupid, don't you?" You roll your eyes.

"On the contrary, darling. I think you are brilliant." He said with the most genuine smile you've ever seen. He could be so sweet when he wanted to.

You blush at his compliment, "I'll get you some pizza. Hope you like cheese." You say and leave the room before he could answer.

You come back soon and sit next to him
"You should sit up, better to not choke when you've already been so badly hurt." You say with concern and he feels some sort of relief. Maybe to have someone who actually cares?

You help him sit up. His skin cold against your hands. When his back is against the pillow resting on the headboard, you sit back down and open the box. You pick up a piece.

"Go ahead, take some before I gobble up everything." You say and laugh as he chuckled. It was a beautiful sound.

"I'm serious." You try to say in a serious tone.

"I might need some help, Lady (y/n).", He says.

"What? Do I have to teach you how to eat? Aren't you like a 1000 years old?" You say tilting your head.

"No. I know how to eat." He says, fake offended, "Although, I would be grateful if you could help me. As you said, I've been badly hurt."

You groan but your stomach flutters at the fact that he wanted you to feed him.

You pick up another piece and hold it in front of his mouth. He takes a bite andd closes his eyes to savour it.

"That's exceptional. We need delicacies as this back in Asgard. No wonder Thor would rather live here." He says.

"You bet. I made this actually." You said proudly.

"Well, you continue to surprise me, Madam." He says and you blush.

You talked and laughed for hours. Even after the pizza finished. You turned down the lights and continued talking, sharing stories and finding out common interests.

You were having the best time and you could tell he was too.

You dragged a chair so that you could sit closer to his head. Holding his hand again, you rested your head on it, facing him still.

The moon shone brightly outside. It was heavenly.

Slowly, voices grew softer. Silence rose.
Both of you were fast asleep. His hand in yours, your head on his chest.

Even though you were sitting in a chair, you've never been more comfortable. Maybe it was the chair.
Or maybe it was him.




1005 words.


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