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(Y/N)- Your name
(Y/L/N) - Your last name.
Let's begin.
You were sitting around the dining table along with Natasha, Tony, Wanda, Captain America and Spiderman (Tom Holland). Each of you drank a cup of coffee and talked.

All of you kept laughing about the way Captain ate pancakes. All whipped cream over his mouth.

You inched closer to him.

"Need some help?;)" You said, smirking as you took your thumb and wiped the corner of his mouth and then sucked your thumb.

He blushed immediately, "Th-Thank you, (Y/N)".

"My pleasure, Captain", you said winking as the group laughed.

There was a loud knock on the door and you ran to open it. You squealed,"Thor!" And wrapped him in a tight hug. His strong arms wrapped around you instantly as he chuckled.

"Lady (Y/N)!, It's so good to see you!", He said happily. "I missed you, big guy!", You replied smiling. You soon noticed a man standing behind Thor.

Okay, he was hot, you admitted to yourself. "And who is this pretty lady with you?", You mocked looking at the Raven haired armoured guy. He looked as disinterested as ever.

Thor laughed a little but his smile faded quickly. He held the mystery guy by his arm and pulled him in. Everyone greeted Thor and eyed the other man. They knew him. You strutted over and looked at Tony who was almost boiling with anger.

"Why the hell have you brought him here?!", Tony said, his eyes not leaving the new guy's face.

Thor explained that Odin (his father) had ordered 'Loki' to go to earth and learn the value of life and all. Blah blah you didn't really listen. His emerald eyes locked on yours when he caught you looking at him.

A small smirk played on his lips and you felt a shiver run down.

It was about an hour before everyone dispersed. Thor asked you to show Loki to the guest room. "Ugh, why me?", You whined but agreed when he gave you a pleading smile.
"Follow me, stranger", you said, walking towards the guest room. He picked up his pace and walked alongside you.

You felt his fingers brush against yours. Your breathing quickened but you dismissed it by wrapping your hand over your chest.

"Well, this is your room, asshole", you said and turned to go. He caught your wrist, tightly as he pulled you back.

His eyes darkened as he said, "This is your room, 'Prince'", he corrected. "Show me some respect, mortal....or you will be punished.", It was almost a whisper.

You looked down at his smirk and rolled your eyes as you pulled back your hand and walked away. You could feel his gaze on your back so you walked away faster.

That was close. He obviously feels like he got under your skin. You're not going to let him have the satisfaction though. Well, tomorrow is a new day.

A few hours later, You walked down the hallway and realised that Loki and you lived on the same floor. Since you were the newest recruit and all the other floors were occupied. Oh well. Could be worse. Right?

The next morning, you woke up earlier than usual, to your surprise. You walked lazily towards the kitchen as you yawned. You were there in a minute or so.

You were startled to see someone standing near the kitchen counter. Who the hell is up so early?

It was him. That tall smug asshole. He had his back towards you. It was too early for you to talk to anyone, especially him, so you turned around slowly and tried to walk away without making any noise.

"Lady (Y/N).", Came a voice. It was smooth, like velvet, and you couldn't help but stop right there. Taking a breath, you turned around.

To your surprise, he wasn't standing there anymore. How did he vanish!

You turned around quickly, with the thought of going back to your room. But as you turned, you bumped into something hard.

Oh my god. His chest. Couldn't you have bumped into something else! You looked up at him. You weren't sleepy anymore that's for sure. He looked down at you.
Straight into your eyes. Oh! Those eyes!

"Good morning", he said, smirking, his voice almost a whisper. You felt his breath on your nose and cheeks. You took a deep breath.

"Hi-", you almost squeaked.

"You do know you can take your hands off me, do you not?", He smiled darkly.

Shit. Quickly realising that your hands were on his chest, you pulled away and looked down.

You stammered, "I-im sorry, I d-didnt realise."

You took a step back. Then one more. He followed, his face was stern now, though he did look a little amused.

"What's w-wrong?", You asked trying not to look into his blissfully beautiful eyes. Your butt was against the counter now.

"What's wrong?", He repeated as his eyes sparked with mischief. His body was almost against yours. You could feel the heat radiating from his body.

You gripped the end of the counter with both your hand on either side of you. He was close now. Dangerously close. His chest against yours. Oh God.

Holy shit, he smelt divine. He came even closer until his face was inches from yours. You were breathing heavily now.

His hands snaked around you as he grabbed a cup from behind you. His body still against yours, he took a sip, his gaze never leaving yours.

Sighing, You were relieved, for a second you thought he was going to kiss you. Woah. He saw that you were at ease now.

He came closer. Once again.
This time he angled his head towards your ear. His mouth almost touching your earlobe. God, what was he doing!

He whispered," Darling, did you think I was going to kiss you?"

His eyes darkened as he took in your flushed reaction.

"What? N-no!", You replied as blood rushed to your cheeks. You pushed him away and walked as quickly as you could back to your room.

As soon as you were inside, you caught your breath and stood against the closed door for a few minutes. What the hell was that!


Guyss please do drop a comment. I really need to know if you like the story so that I get the motivation to continue!

Say anything you want! I don't mind. Drop suggestions too? Mwahh lots of love!💕

Oh and yes, there will be lots of sexual tension between you guys and WILL end up in smut stuff *wink wink*.


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