An Unforgettable Night

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You enjoyed dinner with Loki that night. Talking all the time, learning more about him. He even make you laugh a dozen times with his quick wit and sarcasm which you countered just as quickly.

Soon the night was coming to an end. A night you never wished would finish. Loki understood that as the two of you walked down the lamp lit street.

It was beautiful with the soft light of the moon and not a soul in sight. You breathed in with your eyes closed, not noticing Loki's eyes on you, taking in every detail of your face as if you were going to disappear.

He held your hand and your eyes snapped open to land on his face. He had a small smile on his face as he pulled you out onto the empty road.

You kept giggling as his hand guided yours to his shoulder and he whispered,"Dance with me."

You obliged without thinking twice.

He gently rested one hand on your waist and the other held yours softly. He pulled you in hesitatingly. You rested your head sideways on his chest, his heartbeat drumming through your ears.

Softly, he began to hum a song which you quickly recognized. It was Can't Help Falling in Love.

You pulled back to face him as he smiled, "I heard you listening to it a few weeks ago and..." He trailed off.

"And?" You probed.

"And I thought about how you'd smile if I sang it to you." He looked away embarrassed, pulling you closer.

You heart beat faster in your chest, swelling at his words. "Thank you", you whispered, trying to fight back a tear.

He started singing softly in your ear,"Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you."

What you felt for him in that moment was foreign. You felt like you finally belonged somewhere, or to someone.
And you didn't want to forget this feeling.

You looked up as he reached the end of the song, smiling sweetly at him. He returned the smile as he came closer, your noses brushing against each other for a few moments, before he pressed his lips against yours gently. You kissed him back. It was not a passionate kiss but it felt somewhat more intimate. A few moments later, he rested his forehead on yours.

"I had a great time tonight, Lokes." You said.

"Lokes?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Mhm. Don't like it?" You ask and pout.

"I've never liked anything more." He joked, eyes sparkling. You smiled back at him.

"Can we go home? I'm really tired." You said and pull him along.

You wrapped both your hands around his arm as the elevator rised up to your floor. Laughing and joking, the door opened on your floor only to expose the two of you to the rest of the Avengers.

You gasped in shock and before realising, pushed Loki away who almost tripped.

"Hey!" He growled.

You ran to him,"I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that."

Tony came forward,"(y/n), we know about the two of you."

"W-what?" You stammered, eyes darting from face to face and stopped on Natasha.

"We noticed." He said.

"What do you mean?" You say, not quite understanding.

"Well, I don't really check the cameras but when suddenly the ones in the lab gave out, I thought to go through some of the others in the tower and...." He shrugged.

Shit. What had he seen? Scratch that. What ALL had he seen?

He continued,"So that's how we know. Do you want to say anything?"

You breathe and think for a second. Looking at Loki before you answer,"Yes, uhm. I know we didn't listen to you, Stark. But the truth is....." You look up at Loki again who's gaze was intently on you and what you had to say.

"I don't regret even a second of it. If you have to fire me........ go ahead, but I want you to know that if I had the chance, I would do it all over again."

Tony was taken aback by your words,"I am not going to fire you for liking someone,(y/n). I just wanted to make sure that this will not hinder any of your work or Loki's. The others just came along because they had nothing to do."

"Oh. It won't, sir. Don't you worry." You looked away embarrassed.

Loki smirked at your expression and confession.

"Well then, let's party!" You scream and ran to put on some music, leaving everyone else giggling.

You sighed in content about the fact that no one had any problems with you and Loki being a couple. A couple? What were the two of you? Friends? Lovers?

You brushed away these thoughts as the loud music filled your ears.

"Jarvis! Disco lights!" You screeched.

Everybody started dancing and drinking what you had found in the cabinets.

Loki pulled you against him on the dance floor as everyone drowned in the Music.

You giggled as your back was held against his chest.

"Did you mean what you said, darling? About having no regrets?" He whispered in your ear after tucking your hair behind you ear.

"Obviously, Loki. I love feeling this way." You say, slowly grinding your hips at the beat of the song.

He groaned at the friction.

"Feeling what way?" He questioned as you applied more pressure on his groin, earning a gasp from him. His hands grabbed your hips tighter, guiding your movements.

"This way. Excitement for something unexpected and incredible. The way your hands feel on my body. The way your lips feel on my neck. The way you say my name." You say breathless.

He hums in satisfaction, hardening against your ass.
You moan, reveling in the feeling of his hands on you.




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