At the Party

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You greeted David and told him he looked dashing in his suit.

He held out his hand which you took smiling and walked out into the living room.

Jen and Loki were waiting by the elevator. That idiot kept talking but Loki seemed uninterested in her stories. That is, until you walked out. Then he suddenly faked amusement at what Jen spoke. You knew it was another of his tactics to make you jealous so you paid it no heed.

You licked your lips as you took in his figure. A full black suit clung to his lean body. And you'd be lying if you said he didn't look divine.

Taking a deep breath, you walked and stood next to them, your hand still in David's.

Loki's eyes met yours and travelled down to the union of your hand with David's. His smile faltered for a second.

"Lady (Y/n), What took you so long?" He asked smugly, his smirk widening.

You gave him a death stare which made him laugh internally.

"Nothing. I just couldn't decide on what to wear." You said and looked over to David.

David was handsome, muscular body, perfect eyes. And the way he held on to you so gently made your heart flutter.

"(Y/n), I have no words to describe how pretty you look tonight. I mean you always look pretty but today. God." David compliments you so sweetly.

"You're too kind David." You smile shyly. Leaving his hand you hold his arm, leaning into him.

The elevator arrives at last and the four of you get in.

Loki remarks,"Lady (y/n), your date is right, you look beyond exquisite tonight."

You were taken aback by his compliment. It was new to you and the way his eyes were locked on yours while he said it made you weak in the knees.

You unconsciously leave David's arm which he didn't seem to mind.

"T-Thank you, Loki. You clean up pretty well too." You reply looking away. You couldn't look at his eyes anymore. It felt like he was cutting right through your soul.

Jen speaks up suddenly, "Loki, darling, Don't I look pretty too?" She asks.

She reminded you of a serpent somehow and you rolled your eyes.

Loki simply hummed, "Hm."

You stifled a laugh as you saw her expression turn into a scowl.
Haha. Stupid slut.

You saw the end of Loki's lips twitch.
Ugh. He was reading your mind.

Asshole, stop that. You thought loudly.

He turned his head sideways to you and tsked softly.

Ugh. I hate you.

He coughs,"No, you don't."

David and Jen looked a little confused but didn't say anything.

All of you had reached the place of the event. It was in the Stark Tower only which was awfully convenient.

The place was packed with well dressed people. Some were dancing, some were at the bar and some were gobbling up the expensive food.
Damn, Stark really went all out.

David whispers cheekily in your ear which made you jump. "Do you want to dance, milady?"

You laugh and nod.

Loki and Jenna join the two of you on the dance floor too.

A slow song was on so David placed his hand on your waist as Loki did with Jenna.

They were dancing right in front of you and David. Loki facing you.

His eyes never left yours as you danced. Every time you looked over, he gaze pierced yours. It made your heart beat faster and you found yourself craving to be in his arms instead.

A few songs later, you went over to the bar. Loki follows.

He sits on one of the high chairs, his hand brushing against yours which made you shiver.

The both of you order drinks. Neither of you say anything to the other for some time. You had a drink, then another.

He broke the silence.
"You look utterly gorgeous, darling. Pretty isn't a good enough word to describe your beauty. You look different, ravishing, exquisite." He says licking his lips.

He always seems to surprise you.

"Thank you Loki. That's really sweet. were calling me a slut some time ago. And now suddenly I'm an exquisite angel to you." You say and he laughs genuinely. A few moments later he speaks again.

"Could you find no one better than that mindless freak?" He asks out of the blue.

His voice still sounded deep and clear, in spite of all the loud music blasting from all sides.

"His name is David. And he's a great guy. Also, he's an amazing lover." You stress on the last words and see Loki flinch, then smile. It was a lie though, you had not slept with him. Yet.

"Amazing Lover? Tell me then, darling." He scoots closer, his hand on your lower back as his hot breath fans your neck.

He whispers in your ear, " What does he call you when he fucks you? Does he fuck you wherever he wants or does he wait until the bedroom door is closed?"

His words make your eyes widen as you gasp at his vulgar questions.

"Does he know that you crave to be dominated, roughly? And that you yearn to be called my dirty slut?". Instead of his he said my as if you belong to him.

"Stop it Loki!" You say with anger and arousal.

"Why? Is it turning you on? Are you wet already, just by my words, darling?" He laughs deeply and seductively.

"N-No you dickbag. You're being too inappropriate." You say and try to walk away. Back to your date.

He holds your wrist roughly and pulls you back. "That's not what you said when you were grinding into my hand this evening." He smirks smugly.

Ugh. Such an arrogant snobby perv.

He loosens his hand and you jerk it away and walk towards David.

The bar was right beside the dance floor, so you didn't have to walk much. An upbeat song was on and the alcohol was taking effect.
You reach David, take his hands and put it on your lower waist as you turned around.

You could still see Loki clearly which made you smirk and you slowly started grinding on David, your eyes never leaving Loki's.

His jaw clenched visibly and even though the lights were changing constantly, you noticed.

David's hands roamed your body as you put more pressure while moving against his crotch which made him moan softly.
He was getting hard and Loki was getting angrier.

You were having fun being the object of desire for not one but two men. One of them being a God.
It felt oddly refreshing.



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