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The elevator dinged after reaching the 20th floor. You walked out with Loki close behind you. You noticed that the Gym was totally deserted. Was it closed or something?

You checked the time and it was past midnight.

Crap. No wonder it's empty.

Loki walks around, looking at the different equipment. There was a boxing ring in the middle. It was used for training in fighting. You usually saw Natasha and Steve training there.

"Wanna go a few rounds?", Loki asked, looking at you.

"Sorry, what?", You said.

"Fight, Lady (y/n). With me.", He stated as if it was obvious.

"Haha.", You fake laughed.

"I'm serious.", he replied.

"Look, it's sweet of you to think I can fight anyone, let alone a God. I have trained a little with Natasha but not good enough to actually take part. Yet.", You said, walking away.

"Come on, it'll be fun.", He said and in a split second he was behind you.

His hands on your waist as he smirked, "I'll be gentle."

Your breathing hitched and he chuckled darkly. He knew what he was doing. And you let your mind drift to it for a second.

His hands all over your body. His wet mouth kissing your neck as you moan. His hand cupping your breasts and massaging them seductively.

"Are you going to say anything?",he whispered against your ear bringing you back to reality.

You could feel his breath on your neck.
As good as that felt, it was too much.

"J-just one round.", You said. You just wanted him to back off before your knees gave out.

He walked into the ring and you followed. He snapped his fingers and in an instant, he was shirtless. What.

"What are you doing?" You asked looking away.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?", He smiled darkly. He damn well knew he was.

Well, two can play at this game.

"No, you're not.", You said as you unzipped your jacket and pulled down your pants.

You were once again in just your tank top and shorts. Although you were wearing a bra now, he still looked at your chest with hungry eyes. Your cleavage could be seen and you were satisfied somehow for throwing him off balance.

You said slyly," Am I making you uncomfortable?.

He cleared his throat, "Most certainly not. Let's start."

You smiled as you got into position.
You tried to punch him with your right hand but he blocked it.
Then again. Then with your left hand which he blocked, obviously.

This went on for a few minutes.

You threw him a kick and he ducked, holding you leg and pulling.
You back fell against the hard floor and you groaned in pain. He was on top of you now. Hot and half naked.

"Did I hurt you?", He asked impatiently.

"A little. Don't worry, I'll live", you said chuckling. Loki, on the other hand, looked quite serious.

He looked at you. His eyes on yours.
"Good." He said after a few moments.

You continued," Besides, I don't get hurt that easily." You say, trying to lift the mood.

"Really? I bet that is not completely true. I do know of a few things we could do that will hurt you." Smirking, he said.

You were lost for words.

"And surprisingly, it can happen in the same position as this." He said indicating himself being on top of you.

Oh. My. God.

His face was so close to yours, what he said was almost a whisper. But it turned you on more than you could imagine.

"Loki..please stop.", You managed to say. Breathing quickly, you looked down at his lips.

They looked so soft, you wanted him to ignore what you just said and kiss you. Like nothing else mattered. You wanted to feel his body pressed up against yours,
As you moan into his mouth.

He replied seductively, "Are you sure you don't want to know what all I could do to you? With you?"

Oh you wanted to know. So badly.
But it would be wrong.

"I don't. Also, this is specifically what Stark warned us not to do." You pointed out.

He came even closer. Your noses almost touching, "But we didn't do anything. Yet."

Yes. You didn't. Thank God.

You pushed him off somehow and got up quickly, straightening out your clothes.

"It's getting late. We should go back." , You said picking up your clothes and walking towards the elevator.

Loki followed you silently.

No words were said all the way back. After exchanging goodnights, you went back into your room, trying to forget what had happened.




801 words.


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