Getting Ready

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You saw the clock strike six. You strutted over to your wardrobe and searched quickly for a dress. It's a good thing that the salary you get is enough to purchase a few good dresses. You sift through them and pull out a green silk dress.

(Author's Note- Guys, I couldn't really find the dress I was searching for but this is pretty I guess. Also, all of you are perfect just the way you are and your body is exquisite in every way:)
Ooh and P.S. the dress has a zipper on the back.)

You put on the dress look in the mirror. Hm. Sexy. You think.

You snake your hands around to your back to pull up the zip but to no avail.

The heard the elevator ding.
Shit, David was here already.

You kept cursing as he called out from outside your door.

"(Y/n), Hey I'm here. Are you ready to leave?" He asks, knocking lightly.

"Hi David! I'll be out soon just give me a few minutes." You were getting frustrated now.

Suddenly you felt cold hands removing yours from the zip. You shrieked.

"Shhh", hummed the familiar voice. It was Loki.

"How did you get in here?!" You ask trying to turn around but her held your shoulders to make you stay in place.

"I heard you cursing. So I thought I'd come see who or what had got you so worked up." He said darkly.

"Oh" is all you could say as he slowly pulled up the zipper. His fingers brushed against your bare back as he did so.

You shuddered at his touch.

"You look divine in this garment, darling" he compliments.

Your breathing quickened as he gently pushed you against the wall. Your back flushed against his perfectly chiseled chest. Your cheek was against the wall and you put your hands there as well for support.

His hands rested on your hips as he said, "Do you not like Lady Jenna?" He asked softly.

His question took you by surprise.

"No... I do like her. Why do you ask?" You reply.

He laughs softly, "I know you actively detest her. You should've seen the jealousy that radiated off your body this morning." His hands travelled up to your waist, pushing his hard body closer to yours.

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