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Five. Half past five.



Loki paced around, worry growing by the minute. Something in his gut told him seemed odd and it wasn't the food.

"Loki." Came a voice from the speakers in the living room.

"Loki. Conference room seven. Five minutes." The voice continued, "I repeat, Loki Laufeyson, come to conference room seven in five minutes."

With a sharp inhale, he hurriedly walked into the elevator and was at the conference room in two minutes.

The Avengers sat around the clear glass table. All eyes turned to face the God of Mischief as he strode into the room as if he owned it.

Stark stopped the presentation to take a look at the God.

His eyes dropped,"It's (y/n). She's been taken hostage." Everyone remained silent. Too silent.

Loki scoffed, "Is this some sort of a  mindless Midgardian prank? It's not funny in the slightest."

"No, no. It's not a prank. She's in trouble." Stark finished.

Loki's jaw clenched visibly, his nails digging crescents into his palms.

"Well then..." He tried to stay calm but, "What in the nine realms are the 'Earth's mightiest Heroes' doing sitting around a table instead of taking fucking action!"
He screamed.

Natasha tried to calm him down,"No, Loki. We need- we have to draw up a plan. Barging in is not going to solve anything."

"So? So you just want me to sit on my backside like the lot of you and not go save the one wh-who would not think twice before laying her life down for you?!"

Sympathetic looks were shared.

Loki shouted again, "Well, forgive me if I'm not as selfish as you superheroes.
I'm not going to let her rot in that hellhole!" He turned around.

"I'll burn that place to the ground if I have to."

He started to walk away but stopped as the door shut close.

"Stark, don't you dare play with me.
Open. The. Door." Loki threatened through gritted teeth and turned around to face Tony.

"No." Came the reply, "You will stay here and be a part of this briefing. You're not going alone to save one of us."

Loki breathed in a deep breath, "I shan't repeat myself. If you don't get this thing opened right this instant, you'll will regret-"

He was interrupted by a voice that sounded familiar, too familiar.


His face softened almost instantly as his eyes darted from here to there, trying to figure out where the voice came from.

"(Y/n)" his voice cracked.

Steve came over to Loki, handing him a small recorder accompanied with a soft, comforting pat on his back, "She sent a voice message to you. You probably didn't check your phone but Friday pulled it out."

Loki walked to one corner of the room for some privacy.

He breathed heavily as his slightly shaky thumb came to press the start button.

"Loki?", Came your voice.

"(Y/n)", he whispered under his breath as if you were actually there by his side.

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