First Mission

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That night as you lay in your bed, you thought about what had happened. What could have happened. It would be very wrong for you to do anything of that sort with someone who is known for his bad reputation.
You have to keep your guard up.

The next morning you were woken up with a phone call. Gosh, it was six in the morning. Come on.

You picked up anyway.

"Good morning (y/n). It's Tony. We have a situation.", He said in a hurry.

You say up quickly in your bed and asked,"What do I have to do?"

"Get your friend up. Meet me in my office. Now." He said.

"Give me five minutes sir." You say and hang up.

You put on a shirt and office pants as quickly as you could and ran to Loki's room as you brushed your hair.

"Good morning sunshine! Rise and shine. Look what a beautiful day it is!", You say as you open the curtains and bright light falls on his face.

Shit he was naked. Well not completely, a white bedsheet covered his.....intimate area.

"Geez, cover up cowboy! We've got work to do!", You said, looking away.

He groaned and sat up. With a snap, he had clothes on.


"Let's go! Stark needs us. NOW!", You say almost screaming.

"This better be good.", He said getting up and standing next to you.

The two of you walked quickly to the elevator. Well, you walked quickly, he seemed to walk normally but still kept up with you.
Ugh, wish you had longer legs.

Soon, the both of you were in Tony's office. Natasha, Clint and Banner were there too.

"Good, you guys are here. We've got a problem. SHIELD has assigned us this thing.", He said handing over some files to us.

Turns out some unknown thing had landed on a desert, miles away.

Loki smiled at the familiarity. This was the same way Thor landed on Earth a long time ago.

Tony continued, "There are two helicopters on the terrace. Go ahead, find out what's wrong. There's food in there to have on your way."

As we were leaving, I heard him say to Loki, "Can I trust you?"

I looked back.

"We'll find out, won't we?", He said as he chuckled.

Everyone got on the helicopter.

You, Loki and Natasha on one, Clint and Dr. Banner on the other.

You saw him fidgeting with the straps, so you got up from your seat to help him while Natasha got everything ready for take-off.

"Here, let me help.", You say taking the straps from his hands. You attached it professionally as if you've done it a hundred times in the past.

He looks at you intently as you worked. You were trying so hard not to look into his emerald eyes. You bent over to his right side to attach the last strap. As you did, your breasts brushed along his shoulder.

He stiffened at the contact and groaned softly.
You quickly stand up and compose yourself.

"Um, I-I'm..", you try to say something but the helicopter jerks suddenly.

You almost trip but fall into his lap. Facing him. So close.

Your hands were on his shoulders as his instinctively rested on your hips. His hands slowly slip up to your waist as he tightens his grip.

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