Things Change

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"What are you thinking about right now?"
You ask without thinking.

"Oh darling, you don't want to know." He says as he licks his lips and looks at you through hooded eyes.

"Oh but I do." You say with untamed lust.

"Well, I think you look ravishing with such minimal clothing. I'm thinking how soft your skin would be as I slip off that tight strap on your shoulder." He comes closer just like before.

"A-and then?" You ask nervously.

"Then, I'm thinking, of the sounds of pleasure that leave those beautiful lips as I trace my fingers gently down your body. On your thighs, and touch you where you want me to most." He says and a gasp leaves your mouth as he runs his hand on your outer thigh, right up till your hip.

You don't say anything, silently wishing for him to continue.

"But, I will not do any of that." He says and sits back down.


"Why not?" You ask, a little annoyed.

"Don't be furious at me, my sweet, you were the one who wanted to keep things platonic." He said roughly.

You bite your bottom lip and take a deep breath. Your chest heaved up and down and Loki's eyes immediately latched onto them.
He looked at you so hungrily.

"Why?" He asked suddenly.

"Why, what?" You ask confused.

"In the evening, when you were rubbing yourself against me, nothing seemed to hold you back. What happened then?" He asked eagerly.

Slowly, Natasha's words came back to you.

He's not a good guy.

He's bad news.

You never know if he's just playing with you.

You try your best to push back the thoughts but with no luck.

He grew angry. It was clear on his face. He had read your mind.

"Loki, it's not like that. I don't think that way at all." You try to defend yourself.

"Stop trying to fool me. You actually think so low of me, don't you? Perhaps you're right. I will not trouble you then."
He said as his expression turned from anger to sorrow.

"No, Loki. Please. Wait." You say standing up. You grab his arm but he does not turn around.

"I like you, Loki. You must know that. I didn't want things to happen too fast. I was scared." You say as your eyes fill up.

"Scared?" He mocked and turned around. "You thought it was just a game to me, didn't you? Well, now I actually do want to play one. I will be after you all the time. I will make you want me. And only when you are on your knees, begging me to let you come, will I fuck you." He says roughly.

How could he even say that.

You were too shocked to say anything.
He jerked his hand out of your grasp and walked away, without looking back at you. Good he didn't. You were red with.....anger? Lust? You couldn't figure it out.

You say on your bed and turned down the lights. It would be very difficult to sleep tonight.

You woke up late the next morning. In the evening, you had to meet up with Nat and Tony. Ugh. Better get some work done until then.

You hardly ate anything all day. Mostly because you didn't want to bump into a certain God. There were a few packets of biscuits and chocolates that you gobbled down during the day. Since you're never leaving the room, might as well eat your body weight.

You didn't even realize how late it was when your alarm rang. 6:00 p.m.
You got ready and headed out soon.

Oh no. He was sitting on the couch in the living room. Just. Fantastic.

You walk past him, trying to not think about anything inappropriate. You looked back once, he was already looking at you.

Your heart skipped a beat. He didn't look angry at least. That's a good thing, right?

Turning, you got into the elevator and stare at him as the door closed.

Nat and Tony were already there. Waiting for you. The three of you exchanged greetings and started talking.

Tony discussed everything about the event which was the day after tomorrow.
Everyone was excited.

"(Y/n), I wanted to tell you this beforehand. I've recruited a new person who will be lodging on your floor from tomorrow. I hope you guys get along." He says as he pokes his food with a fork.

"Great! At least I won't have to look at just Loki's face all day." You say shrugging.

"Is everything alright?" He asked and looks up at you as Nat clears her throat.

"Yes, yes. Just friendly bickering." You say and fake smile.

"Okay, if you say so. Who are you guys bringing as your date to this thing though?" He asks casually.

"Date? Can't I just come alone?" You ask.

"Sure you can. No compulsion whatsoever." He continues eating.

"I think I might come alone too. Or maybe with Bruce." She says softly.

"Bruce?!" You ask looking at her proudly.

"Well, he asked me and I didn't exactly say no." She says.....blushing. Blushing?

"What did you say then?" You ask with a lot of excitement.

"I said yes." She says looking away.

"Miss Natasha Romanoff, are you blushing?" You ask and laugh with her.

An hour later, Tony leaves and the two of you remain seated, talking and laughing like always.

"What's going on with Loki?" She asks.

"I'd rather not say."

"Come on. I won't force you but you can tell me if you want to. I'm here for you always." She says, concerned.

You tell her about what he said. Changing the words, of course

And only when you're on your knees, begging me to let you come, will I fuck you.

"He'll sleep with me only if I beg him". You say.

The two of you spent the next hour planning about what could be done about this. Which was simply-

Make him think you want him without saying the words. When he is so driven by pleasure, deny him.
Always leave him wanting more.

Will this plan work? You have to be smart about it.




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