The door eventually open and I hurry inside of the little room, pushing the button to the ground floor. Louis walks in and stands beside me, seeming highly unbothered. The stress doesn't see to get at him like it gets to me and in a way, that's annoying me so deeply.

When the door opens to the ground floors and I take my suitcase, almost jogging out from the lift, towards the door. I see my dad standing outside bus one where the rest of the band is probably waiting already. He looks up at me as I walk out of the door, noticing all the other buses had already left besides bus one and bus two, the bus the band is on and the bus my dad is on.

"You're late." He states, looking back down to the board he had in his hand, writing something down.

"I know, I'm sorry." I say, feeling almost out of breath along with the nervous feeling in my stomach. It's not the good kind of nervous. "Where's bus 4?" I ask.

"Told it to leave, since as far as I know you're always on bus one anyways." He says, looking up from the board, through his eyebrows.

"Yeah, Sophie is on-"

Louis walks out from the building and up to us standing on the side, grabbing my suitcase and walking up to put the bus, putting it into the baggage space. Dad looks up to him, raising his eyebrows, keeping his eyes on him until Louis turns back around towards us.

"You're late too, Tomlinson." He says, writing on his board again.

"Yeah, sorry." He says, "long night last night, overslept."

"Be on time, that's all I ask from you." He says, looking at Louis and then to me. "Get on the damn bus." He mutters through his teeth, looking at me with furrowed brows.

I nod quickly, turning around to walk on the bus, looking at the ground as I walk up to the door of the bus. Louis walking right behind me while I hear dad walking onto his own bus, parked right behind this one. I get on without looking over, feeling something n my stomach, knowing this is never going to end well.

Pressing the button, the door slides open to the lounge area where the others are sitting, turning their heads to us as we walk in. My first look was to Sophie, who looked at us, I noticed she was thinking something, her face looked questioning as we walked in together, late.

"Finally!" Niall exclaims.

"Yeah..." Sophie agrees, keeping eye contact with me as she furrows her brows at me, "Where were you?" she asks.

"I overslept." Louis says quickly.

"Lost my laptop, couldn't find it anywhere, so I had to look for it." I lie, walking into the area to sit down on the sofa.

"Lucky you got down at the same time." Harry says, doing the thing where he speaks without even looking up from his phone, "So we could leave, I mean." He says, now turning his head up to the both of us.

"Yeah, there's only one lift on the floor." Louis says, giving Harry a look before sitting down on the only seat left, across from me on the sofa. How are we going to spend four hours together?

I sit down next to Sophie, ignoring Harry completely. Sophie seems to have let it go, believing our excuse to why we showed up at the same time. Even though if they would have just looked out the damn window next to them, they could have seen Louis walking out slightly after me and it would have looked like we actually didn't walk here together.

The bus started rolling and the only thing that I could think about was what my did might be thinking right now. I was late, and that might not be the biggest deal, but he already thinks Louis and I did something, before we actually did, and I can't let him know about me and Louis ever. The look he gave Louis when he put my suitcase away for me said enough. The tone he had when telling me to get on the bus. Of course he's mad, I just wonder what he's going to do about it.

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