Chapter 2

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TW: Underage drinking, Abuse  (Let me know If there's any others please x)

The week carried on endlessly with Clay consistently annoying George during classes whilst George attempted to do the assignment. Conversation of the party that week had spread almost as fast as the news about George and Clay's interesting greeting to class that Monday. 

"So the party's tonight" George shrugs tossing the pencil across the desk in frustration. 

"Yeah" A smile immediately growing across Clays face as his eyes meet Georges. 

"Cool... Cool" George smiles dropping his eyes back to the assignment. 

"I'm gonna ask you one last time, George will you come to the party with me tonight" Clay sits up a wide smile growing as his hopeful eyes meet Georges. 

"Only if you pick me up" George scoffs rolling his eyes. 

"Deal, give me your phone" Clay giggles giddly taking his phone. 

"100th times a charm" George yawns packing up his notes as the loud bell breaks the class from their chatter. 

"See you at 9 Georgie~" Clay chuckles jogging toward Sapnap seemingly expressing his victory. After giving it much thought George decided it was about time he did something social, he wanted to be a normal teenager even if it were just for one night, his parents were gone for the weekend so he may as well take advantage of that. 

The day seemed to speed by after that, only forcing more nerves to strike through Georges stomach. The final bell rings leading hundreds of students out the doors and straight home to ready for the party that had caused non stop chat for the entire week. George tried to hype himself up about it but he ended up psyching himself out and forcing panic and nausea to absorb him. 


George had rechecked his reflection over a million times, each time storming through each and every item of clothing he owned. He had never been to a party before what was he meant to wear? He settled on black ripped jeans with a white button up shirt with a blue sweater on top. He knew he would probably end up sweating but he didn't care his looks matter more then anything. His phone buzzes signaling the blondes appearance. George grips onto his keys securing them in his pocket with his phone before making his way toward Clays car. 

"Hey Georgieeee" Clay cooes through a chuckle. 

"Shut up and drive loser" George sighs buckling his seatbelt. 

"You live awfully close to me and Sap, I'm surprised I've never met you before" 

"I moved here from England last year and I didn't exactly make my appearance known" George chuckles. 

"Explains the accent" Clay shrugs before parking outside the brightly lit and overly loud house. 

"Look at me" Clay quickly pulls Georges face to be met with his, Running his hands through Georges hair to completely mess it up


"Rule 1, Don't take drinks from anyone unless its me, Rule 2 Do not follow people into rooms if you don't know them, Rule 3 only stick around with the people I introduced you to and Rule 4 Dont pick fights, I'm really not bothered beating people up for you. If you get lost you message me understood" 

"Don't be so serious just be smart, shouldn't be to hard for you "straight" A student" 

"Whyd you put quotes on Straight?!" Clay quickly pulls out of the car, ignoring Georges protest. The conversation seemed to drop as Clay grips onto Georges wrist guiding him through the crowded house. 

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