Mikasa wanted to refuse even more but after looking at the serious kenshi she could only bite the bullet and said to him yes master kenshi.

Soon the both went diffrent ways and as soon as the did kenshi began to search for the ghost who appeared in his home this morning with all seriousness and although he wasn't scared at all he still wanted to find this ghost by all means and see if he would exercise this ghost or not.

Unfortunatly milkasa who always felt that she would be the first to find the ghost before kenshi does suddenly felt a cold hand slowly tapping on her left shoulder.

She was immediately pale in fright looking so pale like someone who does not have a single drop of blood in her body at all.

When suddenly she turned around to see her long deceased father who looked so frightening with both eyes completely rolled backwards and with only a few strands of hair standing from his head.

Thick black blood constantly continued to drip down from his mouth and as well as from both ears, both legs were seriously bent so he couldn't stand or even walk straight at all and also his neck looked like it had been snapped so it leaned to the right almost touching his right shoulder.

Mikasa trembled all over in fright the moment she saw this because the thing right in front of her really looked like the actual devil to her.

At this time the thing said to her.....

Mikasa.... Dad has missed you so much.

And dad came to take you back with him.

Oh my mikasa !!!

My mikasa !!!

My mikasa !!!!

Give me your hand my dear.

At this time seeing the thing in front of her suddenly stretched out its dry hand that looked like a dry twisted and wrinkled yam intending to take her by the hand and then said to her.

Dad will always take care of you.

Dad will aways love you.

Dad only wants to take you back with him.

Come with dad.

Mikasa who has been silent the whole time suddenly let out a loud scream.......... Ahhhhh...!!!!

Master kenshi !!!!

Master kenshi !!!!!

I've found him !!!

But because of how scared she was her throat felt like it had be squeezed by an unknown force so it only let out about 5% of her voice which wasnt very loud at all.

In the desperate attempt to scream the thing looked at her and said with a more disappointed face.


Oh my mikasa.....

Dont you want to be with your father once more ?

Dont you know how much I've missed you ?

Dont you want us to be together again, just like old times ?

When suddenly his wrinkled hands touched her face.

And as soon as mikasa felt the cold hands touching her, she once again screamed at the top of her lungs with the cold hand still touching and gently squeezing her cheeks once again.

Kenshi who was already at the third floor at this time heard a scream coming down from the first floor so he rushed and within two or three seconds he was allready there.

He could only see milkasa being pulled by an unknown and an unseen force, though he couldn't see anything unusual he knew that there must be something pulling mikasa so he said with a dry and cold voice....

Show yourself.

And then suddenly.......

KENSHI MY LITTLE LEGENDWhere stories live. Discover now