The moment mikasa got close to him he asked kenshi in a cold voice.

Why did you bring this beauty to hell with you ?

Before kenshi could answer he saw the slightly bent and bruised jennifer looking at him with big bright eyes and for some reason he instantly shivered a little so he made up his mind not to waste anymore time here at all.

The moment he looked at yichen who was looking directly at mikasa with lustful eyes so he suddenly rushed forward and the moment he did he instantly lifted yichen up with a single hand and while yichen was suspended directly in the air there was a crackling sound that followed and suddenly kenshi released his grip and the already dead yichen fell directly to the ground.

Everyone present couldnt believe what the just saw and as soon as the armed men who accompanied yichen into the hall saw this the all raised their guns up and then each and everyone of them opened fire all at once.

Kenshi who was in a hurry to quickly deal with this people and return home as fast as his could suddenly began to move at lighting speed stopping and dropping each and every bullet directly to the ground.

Soon the armed men all emptied their magazines and as soon as the did before the even got the chance to reload kenshi rushed up to them with even much greater and faster speed snapping and twisting their necks as he passed each and everyone of them.

Soon all these men began to fall one after the other directly to the ground.

All the people present couldnt believe what the had just saw as the were all frozen to see such terrifying masacre happening right infront of them.

Kenshi didnt show any sign of concern at all so he looked at all of them and with a snap of his finger all the dead boddies suddenly evapurated leaving no signs of their presence at all.

When the people saw this shocking scene the were all terrified to the core as some of them even feinted because of the unbelivable occurance.

the entire hall suddenly went crazy as each of them found kenshi to be even more terrifying than the armed men who killed them one after the other.

Soon the all decided to run for their lives but kenshi spoke at this time....

Stop right there.....

Everyone stopped and froze in an akward possition....

Return back to your seats he said.....

Just like puppets the all returned back to their seats...

Kenshi spoke again at this time saying you all are going to forget you saw anything strange here today, and for all you know you came here to this party and currently its suddenly over so non of you will remember any other thing aside from you all having a good time here today do you understand me ?

Just like zombies the all said yesss we understand youuu....

Good said kenshi.

After that he said the party is over now return home.

Instantly the got up and as the did the four guest who were killed by yichen suddenly disappeared too.
Soon as the voice fell all the guest began to laugh and talk with each other as if nothing had happened just now completly ignoring the life treathing event that just happened before their very eyes as the all walked out the door and into their seperate cars.

Kenshi looked at chang bao who was standing like a man without a soul looking directly at him and said if anyone asks the four people who were killed by the other men didnt make it to the birthday party understand ?

Chang bao came back to his senses and said yes yes understood understood.

Kenshi didnt wipe the memories of Chang bao and his daughter and also that of mikasa because he wanted them to see his true abilites.

Kenshi didnt even look at jennifer at this time so he said to mikasa who was dumbfounded lets go back home.

Yes master kenshi she replied.

That night the left the villa and headed home and along the way mikasa couldnt speak at all she remained speechless through out their journey back home.

When the got home she couldn't wait to go lock herself in her room and ran all the way to hide under her bed that night.

Mean while kenshi killing a bunch of people that night wasn't the only weird thing that was going on as five strange men walked on the streets of shanghai saying...

For many years we've been condemned by the people of shanghai and we were even called outcasts and were driven out of the city....

After the death of our parents we met and sold our souls to hexes in return for greart powers with only one goal in mind, to someday return back to the city and tear it apart for all the evil they've done to us over the years
Another brother at this time said "and so it shall be'

And so the chaos begins...

KENSHI MY LITTLE LEGENDWhere stories live. Discover now