part 134

505 22 13

y/n smiled then she felt her face get hot so she looked down at her phone

Kobe: made you blush didn't it

y/n laughed making kobe let out a small one then he held his hand out so she grabbed it and he ran his thumb up and down her hand while she laid her head on his shoulder and they sat there in silence until his mon and kiya walked in and they pulled away from each other

Vanessa: hey baby how you doing
Kobe: i'm fine mom
Vanessa: hey y/n
Y: hi
Kiya: listen i'm sorry about what happened but kobes my brother and you gotta understand that imma have his side no matter what yes i love you and you're like a sister to me but he's the closest person to me and i'm gonna do whatever i can to see him happy just like you'd do for cohen
Y: i understand kiya
Kiya: are you sure because i can't lose you i love you
Y: i love you too kiya
Kiya: can i get a hug

y/n opened her arms and kiya walked to her giving her a tight hug while kobe turned his head

Kobe: dang i want a hug like that
Y: too bad
Kiya: come on he's hurt

y/n looked at kiya seeing she had a smirk on her face so she got up from the chair hugging kobe and when he hugged her back he moved his hands from her back to her butt squeezing it so she pulled away hitting his arm then sitting back down

Y: see this is why

kobe just looked at y/n laughing then he licked his lips looking back at the ceiling

Vanessa: so how you feeling
Kobe: bad
Vanessa: why what's wrong
Kobe: my heart hurts
Kiya: from what should we call a doctor
Kobe: it hurts because y/n won't take me back
Y: well looks like you're gonna stay in pain
Vanessa: boy leave that girl alone are you actually ok
Kobe: i'm fine stop stressing
Kiya: what all did the doctor say
Kobe: sprained wrist fractured knee concussion bruised rib dizziness sensitivity to light oh and some internal bleeding in my leg that could lead to deadly blood clots
Y: what
Kobe: it's not that serious i just gotta keep the clots from forming
Y: how do you do that
Kobe: gotta massage it
Kiya: you've been laying there this whole time
Kobe: i was gonna ask y/n but not with y'all around that's weird
Vanessa: boy shut up and ask her
Kobe: ask no y/n come on
Y: ask
Kobe: can you massage my leg before i get blood clots and die
Y: ok drama queen you didn't have to add the last part

y/n rolled her eyes getting up and sitting at the side of the bed where his leg was moving it from under the cover and gently massaging it but also adding pressure

Kobe: i said leg not calf muscles go up...further...further...further...alright right there

by the time he told y/n where to stop she was at the upper half of his thigh and kept looking at her smiling

Kiya: do you really have internal bleeding
Doctor: yes he does just not in his leg

y/n looked at kobe who was laughing and his leg then pushed it off of her sitting back in the chair

Doctor: so your test came back the internal bleeding is very minor yet if you wake up and there's blood on your covers we need to be notified immediately due to the leaking being from a vessel very close to your heart which we'd have to perform surgery at or it will painfully kill you
Y: wait how close do y'all have to get to his heart
Doctor: the vessel is only four inches away from his heart
Y: so if something goes wrong in that room it can still kill him
Doctor: the chance is very low
Y: but it's not zero
Doctor: ma'am i understand this may be scary bu-
Y: i don't think you understand at all actually
Kobe: i'm sorry can you give us a kiya y'all too

the doctor vanessa and kiya all walked out while kobe pinched y/ns arm

Y: ow what the hell
Kobe: stop acting like it's her fault i did this to myself with the understanding that i would die but i didn't and now they're tryna help me so i don't give her some leeway she could've let me die but she's not
Y: if she preforms that procedure you are gonna die
Kobe: if you keep thinking i will then i will because you're gonna jinx it y/n i'm fine ok and i'm gonna be fine no matter what happens now calm down before i pinch you again
Y: fine i'm calm
Kobe: you better apologize
Y: ok kobe
Kobe: thanks...sorry about that you can come back

the doctor walked back into the room then kobe looked at y/n so she sighed rolling her eyes

Y: sorry about that
Doctor: nah it's fine you're just worried i get that but it's only an if thing if you bleed surgery but if there's no blood no surgery deal
Kobe: deal
Doctor: alright i'll check up on you later
Kobe: thank you

the doctor shook her head then walked out the room then vanessa and kiya came back in telling kobe they had to go so they gave him a hug then walked out the hospital while y/n laid her head on kobes shoulder messing with his hair

Kobe: this time imma fall asleep and if you leave guess what i do
Y: you're gonna leave and be handcuffed to the bed
Kobe: then i'll pick the lock and guess what
Y: you know sooner or later they're not gonna let you come back
Kobe: then sooner or later you'll stop leaving
Y: i'm not gonna leave kobe
Kobe: alright then thought so

y/n laughed and kept messing with kobes hair until he fell asleep


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