part 131

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Kobe: i did all of that so you wouldn't see me changing i did that for you so i wouldn't hurt you
Y: you did it for me just for me to still get hurt in the end worse than what would've happened if you just fucking talked to me
Kobe: if i talked to you about it then you would've felt like you needed to fix me well i don't want to be fixed to fit what you think i should be
Y: i wouldn't ever try to change you i loved you the way that you were and i loved you the way you were changing but not only did you change your love for me changed and you pushed me away
Kobe: you think i wanted to
Y: well you sure in hell didn't act like you didn't want to if you wanted me so bad why cheat
Kobe: because you acted like you could do better without me and i felt like i needed a piece of validation that maybe i didn't need you either but i did and now i can't get you out of my mind
Y: you brought that on yourself kobe i loved you so fucking much when i got that ring from you i knew it would come with you changing with arguments and tears but it didn't have to come with you cheating that hurt so bad and maybe i didn't show it but i felt like you cheated because i wasn't good enough
Kobe: well that's not true you're perfect for me and although i say this a lot i'm so sorry for what i did
Y: yea you do say it a lot and i think you're sincere but then you go and do the same shit you always leave the way you come back
Kobe: we went from being enemies-
Y: exactly now look at us now
Kobe: i never meant to hurt you y/n
Y: well you did and you keep proving to me that you'll always do it again and i'm so tired of fighting for you and draining myself to love you when all i get in return is a slap in the face who knows maybe it's the right person wrong time or maybe we're just not meant to be i can't wait another four years to see if you'll change maybe it's better off this way

y/n looked up at the sky blinking really fast to keep her tears back then she started to walk off but he grabbed her hand

Kobe: kiss me
Y: what
Kobe: one more time before you leave kiss me please
Y: for what
Kobe: i just...i need you to i don't know when i'll be able to do it again and it'll probably be never but i need something to help me sleep
Y: ko-
Kobe: just this last time and you'll never have to worry about me again

y/n sighed then walked back to kobe kissing him and he put his hand on the back of her head pushing her closer to him they stayed like that for a while until she finally backed up

Kobe: i love you so much

without giving y/n anytime to reply he walked off going into his car and driving off while y/n stood there

Y: i love you too

instead of going back inside y/n went into her car getting inside and locking the doors blasting music and closing her eyes for so long that when she woke up the sun was coming up the others were gone and she had over one hundred messages and calls mainly ones from vanessa so she rolled her eyes answering but when vanessa picked up she was just rambling

Y: calm down what do you want
Vanessa: kobe
Y: what about him
Vanessa: he was doing some kind of substances yesterday maybe alcohol or some but whatever it was it messed him up and he- he crashed into a brick building
Y: what where is he at
Vanessa: i don't know he was brought into the hospital but he's not there no more the doctors don't know where he's at and the cops are looking for him but he's just gone
Y: what about leona
Vanessa: she's not even picking up the phone

y/n kept vanessa on the phone putting it down then she quickly drove to leonas house grabbing her phone and going inside seeing kobe laying on the couch half conscious in pain with leona laying on him so y/n went to her pushing her off and helping kobe up walking out the house while leona yelled at her then once she got kobe in the car she locked his door and turned around being pushed to the car by leona

Y: what the fuck is your problem he needs to be on the hospital
Leona: no he needs to be with me he doesn't need a fucking doctor
Y: that's exactly what he needs you crazy bitch
Leona: i'm with him not you
Y: he broke up with you get over it you fucking weirdo
Leona: you think you're so high and mighty
Y: or maybe i'm normal and doesn't lie like i'm pregnant so a guy would stay with me psycho
Leona: you know nothing about me
Y: i know you're a weird and crazy bitch who needs to stay away from kobe
Leona: or what
Y: trust me you don't want to find out the answer to that

y/n pushed leona then got in her car driving off going back to the hospital and getting out going on the other side getting kobe out and walking inside getting him back into his room and informing the doctors then vanessa came back into the room hugging y/n

Vanessa: ugh thank you so much

y/n didn't speak she just shook her head about to walk out until kobe grabbed her hand


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