part 115

651 24 17

the night went on and the whole time keith couldn't take his eyes off y/n he listened to every word every rant all of it once they walked out y/n had her back against her car and keith was standing in front of her with limited space between them since their cars were right next to each other

Y: thank you for tonight
Keith: i should be thanking you
Y: and why's that
Keith: because you made tonight perfect
Y: i was gonna say the same thing
Keith: crazy right
Y: right
Keith: do what i said ok
Y: i will
Keith: and when you're ready i'll let you know where to find me
Y: well what about until then
Keith: until then i'll just think about you and drive myself crazy
Y: sounds like a plan
Keith: see you then
Y: yea see you then

keith kissed y/ns cheek and was about to walk off until she called his name

Y: really i have no idea when i'll see you again and all i get is a kiss on the cheek
Keith: well you're gonna have to ask me to kiss you or i think i'll make you uncomfortable
Y: really you wanna play games now
Keith: i mean it's as best a time as any
Y: i'm not asking
Keith: then goodnight
Y: you suck
Keith: ask or i gotta go like cinderella
Y: cinderella didn't ask the prince to kiss her
Keith: it was heavily implied
Y: no where on that movie was it implied
Keith: times ticking pretty girl
Y: don't you dare leave
Keith: i'm gonna start slowly walking away

keith started slowly backing away while y/n crossed her arms then once he got close to his car she rolled her eyes

Y: may you kis-

before she finished keith kissed her and she smiled kissing him back they stayed like that for a while until he slowly pulled away

Keith: don't think about me too much
Y: you wish
Keith: not only wish i might manifest it too
Y: you're something serious
Keith: i am serious aren't i

keith looked at y/n smiling making her smile as well then he kissed her hand and got into his car driving off while she held her hand watching and lightly biting her bottom lip still smiling then she got in her car driving off as well when she made it home she walked inside and sharan got up from the couch hugging her and walking out with her boyfriend while she went upstairs seeing amerie was sleep so she walked in kissing her head then walked out going into her room taking off her dress and going into the shower throwing her head back and smiling thinking about keith once her thoughts were interrupted by kobe she sighed opening her eyes and quickly finishing then getting out the shower wrapping a towel around herself drying off after that she changed in her slick pajamas and sat in front of her mirror closing her eyes and she just did what keith said she let her mind flow and the pain and realization of everything hit and before she knew it she was breaking down crying she cried for probably hours by the time she finished her head was pounding and she felt like she hadn't slept in years next step was to go somewhere they used to go so without waking her up she picked amerie up and walked out the house gently putting her in her carseat then getting in the car driving off she brought a journal and a pen with her then she drove to a spot her and kobe went closing her eyes and letting the memories flood her head when she felt more tears forming she pulled out her journal and wrote down everything on how she felt on how her mind felt and how her heart felt then her phone went off with a call so she answered

Kiya: hey
Y: kiya i know you're his sister but right now i really need self improvement from him and i don't want to go back to him i'm so-
Kiya: i was actually going to say i kinda forced y'all to be together which was wrong of me and after hearing what he did i'm glad you left kobe thinks he deserves everything even when he fucks up and he means well but it's about time someone humbled him if you go back you're only inflating his ego so i'm proud of you i'll come see you soon i love you kiss amerie for me
Y: thank you i love you too see you soon oh and i'll give her more than enough kisses for you

y/n hung up then she went back to writing down notes she spent all night going places they went and writing things until she filled the whole entire journal when she made it home she got amerie who was now awake out the car and they walked inside seeing everyone sitting in the living room like some kind of intervention so she placed amerie in her play area and sat down

Y: is this an intervention because i know it may look like it but i didn't take any drugs
Dayshawn: no this isn't no damn intervention what
Tony: we came to see if you're ok
Y: oh thank the lord but yea i'm fine
Mike: don't look like it
Y: thank you captain obvious you're so smart you should get a medal for that
Kristen: so how are you for real
Y: i'm good for real i spent all night jotting down my feelings in places me and kobe used to go and i think i'm over him but i need to see him in person with her to make sure
Vallyk: good because they followed us here
Leona: hello
Y: you guys are great friends but sometimes y'all suck
Leona: miss me
Y: hmm well i would say yes but i'd he lying so no


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