Class A vs Class B: Second Match

Start from the beginning

Vlad King: The reason you lost... You already know, right?

They all nodded.

Vlad King: Using Shishida as the focal point... Or using Shiozaki... *scary expression* If you'd only come together as a team, you could've won this match!

While he lectured them, Monoma speaks probably before he went to talk with Shinso but only to be ignored. The other teams are having a discussion so they can plan their strategy when their match start. As the team 2 of both classes entered the field, the battle is about the begin. They have some small talk while on their way to the combat zone. 

Kendo: Hey, Yaoyorozu...

Yaoyorozu: Yes, Kendo-san?

Kendo: Why didn't you or Shiroki enter the beauty pageant? I thought you'd definitely be in it, same goes for Shiroki-san despite she still new here.

Yaoyorozu: Aizawa Sensei did not tell us about the beauty pageant. I had band practice, as well, so I would not been able to enter anyway, though. For Yumi-san... She might have chance because mostly doing the dance. Aizawa Sensei must have judged that it was not nessessary for me to enter.

Kendo: Hmm... We were in that commercial together at the internship, so we've kind of been put in the same category, you know? It's like there are fans that put us in the same box.

Yaoyorozu: The same box?

She imagine that they in the same unfit box, though that's not what Kendo meant.

Hagakure: It's like when someone likesal the idols in a group. At the school festival, the same people were shouting "Yaoyorozu" and "Kendo," right?

Yaoyorozu: Oh, now that you mention it...

Tokoyami: Idola. Idol worship.

Kendo: It's like... Yaoyorozu, your grades and your Quirk are both better than mine, so I didn't really like getting lumped together with you. Personally, I've been waiting to fight you properly.

Yaoyorozu: With all my heart... *place her hand on her heart* I accept.

Kuroiro: Tokoyami... you're the same type as me...

Tokoyami: Kuroiro Shihai. Your Quirk lets you merge with any darkness and move freely within it... Right?

Kuroiro: *smile* You and I share a destiny...

Tokoyami: Oh? You are also a supportee of the deep.

Kuroiro: Heh. Live in eternal darkness.

Both team head to their base camp so they can start the match. And as always, Vlad King is very supportive toward his students.

(Spectator Zone)

Vlad King: Go for it, Kendo Team! Second match, start!

Ashido: Stop the biased commentary!


Takeru: *sweatdrop* Vlad Sensei, please at least hold back on the commentary...?

As the siren sounded, the match started. Both teams move out as they focus on winning this training for their class and themselves.

Sero: *turn to Tetsutetsu* What kind of role does Kendo play in Clasd B?

Tetsutetsu: *turn to Sero* Hey! She gets the job done!

Sero: *close his ears* So loud!

Tetsutetsu: 'Cause she's the class rep! She's smart and makes quick decisions calmly! She's also brave, risking herself on the front lines when it counts! And she brings the class together with her cheerful personality! Without her, all of Class B would've been in by Monoma!

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