Chapter Thirty Four: The Boss

Start from the beginning

Balotelli rubbed his jaw. "He's twelve."

"And a boss. I'm not the one who agreed to it but you did. You were there when he was crowned. So, what is this attack of the conscience that you have now? Nothing will change. It's set in stone. You know the consequence of him abdicating."

"I know." He nodded. "Is Katya alright?"

Among the things Leonid regrets is not encouraging the union between Katerina and Balotelli. Personally, I'm glad it didn't work out. After he found out about Terrence and noticing how he's always around Balotelli, Leonid was almost convinced Balotelli is the father. Sometimes I notice his concern for Katya. They would make quite the power couple.

"Is something wrong?" Terrence joined us.

The boy has grown taller. I smiled at him. Balotelli rested his hand on his shoulder. "Alexei wants to talk to you. After you're done,come see me in my office."

He allowed us to be alone.

"Do you want to sit down?" He invited me in.

"Let's talk outside." We stepped out to the porch. We sat on the front steps. I looked into the curious green eyes. He has no idea that the old man he idolizes is behind his father's imprisonment and his mother's close shaves with death. He doesn't even know Ferrer is in Russia. I don't intend to share with him half truths. If he's going to be the boss, he has to learn all the ugly truths of the underworld. "Do you know where your father is?"

"At first I thought a medical convention. But who goes on a medical convention for over six weeks? I think he finally bailed out on being a dad. He was a flight risk." He shrugged casually.

"And your mother?"

"She has one too many secrets. I can't keep up."

"Your father is not a flight risk. He didn't bail out on being your father. Your grandfather approached your father to ask him to fix a tumor in his head. Your father refused. Your grandfather knew that Ferrer didn't know Katya was his daughter. So he threatened to hurt you and your mother if your father doesn't comply to his demands. Your father left for Russia. He performed the surgery but your grandfather didn't want him to leave. When he tried to escape he was framed for murder, possession of illegal drugs and weapons. He was thrown in prison. Your mother found out. She went to Russia to get him back. As we speak at this moment, your grandfather is dead. My deepest condolences."

He kept staring at me with a hard express on his face. Did he hear me? Did he understand me? Is he in shock? Is he sad?

"Terrence!" The girl he likes came outside. "Oh... I'm sorry Mr Alexei. Can I just borrow him for a quick sec?"

I nodded.

The young boss went back inside.

I hope what I have shared with him opens his eyes. Leonid Romanov was a great man but he was not the victim he made himself. I have to take the boy to Russia. He has to be there for the funeral. The other bosses need to see that there is no vacuum in power.

"I'm sorry about that." He returned but he didn't sit down. "Where is my father?"

"Free probably."

"And who killed my grandfather?"

The way he says 'my grandfather' only goes to show how much Leonid poisoned him. I can't tell him and I also can't lie. What should I do? If I lie and he finds out, he will relieve me of my duties. Who will mentor him? I have to be the one to mentor him. "A former triad boss."


"Because your grandfather took the first shot a few years ago."

"Was he justified to attack the triad boss?" He leaned against the wall.


"Then there's no point in retaliation. This is disappointing." He sighed. "He promised we would spend the summer together. I'm saddened by this news." I gave him a moment to process. "When is the funeral?"

He hasn't asked about his mother even once. I'm concerned about him not being on the same page with Katya. I'm concerned that she will raise hell over this arrangement.

"The day after tomorrow. You need to be there. The other bosses need to see you. It's also respectful for you to give him a send off so that it does not seem like you are behind it."

"I don't think Nick will let me leave."

"Terrence, you are a boss. You are young and those older than you will expect that you respect them but if it has nothing to do with your upbringing, you don't have to respect everyone's wishes. Respect the person, weigh which wishes to uphold and how they affect your tenure as boss. Take this as an example. Nick doesn't want to let you out of his sight. He's protecting you. It's well appreciated that he's looking out for you but what picture dies it paint for the new boss not to show up at the funeral of his predecessor?"

"Not a good one."

"You respect Nick but is that a wish you will honor?"


"Try to see things from that point of view. Tell him goodbye. Kiss your little girlfriend. I'll be waiting."

Terr's POV
"Is there a problem?" Alexei asked me when he noticed my hesitance to enter the funeral parlor.

I feel overwhelmed not just by my grandfather's death but the responsibility he has left me. When I accepted, I knew I have a few more years. I didn't think I'll be replacing him in a matter of weeks!

I slipped my hand into Marcella's. She kissed my cheek. "It's going to be okay. I'm right behind you." She whispered.

I asked Nick if she could come. The condition was Julio comes too. "Stay with Julio."

I let go of her hand and entered the parlor. The first face I saw was my mother's. I can sense her shock from where I'm standing. Her electro blue eyes remind me of vicious lightning in the dark sky. If looks could kill, I would be beside my grandfather. I couldn't tell her. Grandfather asked me not to. It's all for good reason. She loses her shit fast. And then she goes nuclear. When this shock passes, she will be on my case. I avoided her eyes. My father looks just as puzzled. He's so innocent he will never get it. Grandfather said I should never count on his support and I am worries that me agreeing to boss will definitely drive a wedge between us.

What am I doing? What is all this? Boys my age are skating, playing videogames and having fun. I'm here in the presence of grown men, most even older than my mom. I'm walking among them as their equal.

I have never been my own age. I didn't grow yo around children. I grew up around my mother and it meant reasoning like an adult. It just happened. She didn't baby me. No one did. So is it okay that I don't know how to act my age or I find the things my peers do to be childish? Is it wrong that I want more? So much more? Am I too ambitious?

I turned back to look at my sweet girl. She smiled at me. She's my world. I really like her.

When I stopped, the other bosses lined up to shake my hand and offer their condolences. I remember all their faces from a series of photographs Alexei and I went through on the plane.  I referred to each one by name staying respectful with a measure of authority.

When it was finally my parents left, I had a vicious stare off with my mother. If she could breathe fire she would burn this place to the ground. I gave her a light nod to acknowledge her, my dad, my grandmother and aunt. So much family when I have been alone for so long!

I stopped in front of the casket.

He looks peaceful. He looks just like he did when I saw him last. How did he die? Who is this Li Jie? Better yet, what have I signed up for?

I took a seat with Marcella on my side. Alexei and Julio say on the extreme ends. It forced my mom to sit behind us and I could feel her glare at the back of my head. I tried not to turn but I did and her eyes just said one thing.

I'm dead.

The Romanov Series Book #1: My Rogue Girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now