Chapter Thirty Three: Farmhouse

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I have blood on my clothes, mine and other people's. My hair looks like it has survived a tornado and I'm not all there. My heart is racing, every bone in my body is aching from getting beaten up.

"Hey." He drew me out of my thoughts.

"Hey." I smiled at him. He acknowledged Katerina with a light nod before his green eyes were on me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you okay? Did mom treat you well? Hold on... Mom, this is Ferrer, Terr's father." We talked about him but she has never met him. For his sake, I think s formal introduction should be in order.

She extended her hand to him with a warm smile. "Katya's mother. Katerina's occasional mom. Let's get inside. I'm starving."

"We already met." He informed me with a nervous laugh. "She is bad ass. You all are. What are the chances that there is a shower in there? I'm filthy."

We could shower together... Remind each other of the conjugal visit...

"High. If not we will improvise." I smiled at him.

"Kiss already!" Katerina broke the silence before mom grabbed her and dragged her into the house.

"I'm a mess." I tried to fix my hair.

"We both are. But at least you are a sexy mess. What's wrong with your wrist? It's swollen."

"I'm not sure. It's not that painful."

He showed me his hand. He is wearing a cast. "It was painful to have my fingers broken. I'm still recovering. The mere thought of it still hurts. You don't have to be strong all the time. I'm not going to consider you weak because something hurts."

"We have almost matching left hands. A possibly broken wrist and broken fingers. Will you be able to operate again?"

"It depends on how well they heal. At least it's my left hand."

"Breakfast will not make itself lovebirds! If you don't work.."

"You don't eat!" I answered. "Coming!"

"Let's." He gestured me to go first.

Ferrer and I will share a room. Katerina wants her won space. Mom loves the couch. Another thing to be shared is the little bathroom. I don't think we can both fit in the little shower cubicle. We had to get cleaned up in turns before we made breakfast and we settled down together.

The meal is silent. Mom doesn't look like she is grieving the loss of a husband. She's probably thinking good riddens. Katerina won't lose a night's sleep because of papa's death. That leaves me. I'm troubled. "Alexei said there will be a funeral for papa.

The sound of chewing and silverware meeting the plates ceased. Even Ferrer sensed the tension. All eyes were set on me. "What?" Katerina broke the silence. "What did you say? I think my hearing is misleading me."

"I said papa will have a funeral."

"Why can't he be thrown in the gutter?"

"Katerina, have some respect!"

"For what?" She stood up and slammed her palms on the table. "He cremated my son! Did Nicholai get a funeral? No! Did I even say goodbye? No! He cremated him and all I got were the ashes and you tell me that kind of man gets a funeral?"

Her pain is real. I feel it too. But from my conversation with Alexei, it would be better to bury him under the guise of him succumbing to his tumor. All the men in that museum met their death. Those who survived waved a white flag and are at Alexei's mercy. If other families catch wind that a boss was murdered, they will get involved and avenge that boss. The only way a boss is murdered is if the other families agree to it.

"It's necessary." Mom nodded. She understands.

"I'm not going to that funeral." Katerina walked out.

"Mom, are you attending the funeral?"

"I have to."

"Ferr, you don't have to come."

"I want to be there for you." He squeezed my knee. "I'll come to the funeral."

"Excuse me. I'll check on Katerina." Mom left the table.

"Ferrer, can I ask you something?"

"Fire away."

"Are you upset about all this?"

He bit into the sausage. I watched him chew and eventually eating it all before he was ready to respond. "Let's talk about it after the funeral."

It's not everyday all the mob bosses come together.

My father worked hard to earn his place on the table. He's gone now and his ambitions are gone with him. The Romanovs won't be part of the families anymore.

Mom convinced Katerina to come to the funeral and she decided to wear red. She stands out like a sore thumb. I ave Los track of the number of condolences that have been offered to me. At some point I stopped hearing and I zoned out completely. I'm looking at the open coffin and I'm wondering if the other families know. They did a good job. It's hard to tell there was a bullet hole. He looks peaceful.

"I'm sorry papa." I whispered.

"He was a horrible man. Don't be sorry." Ferr whispered.

They don't understand. I was his favorite. If I didn't stab him then, I would be his heir... a female mob boss. That is why he made us strong so that we can survive a man's world. He just wanted us to be strong. He was hard on us so that we become strong.

"Katya," Federov joined me. He hugged me. "I came as soon as I heard. I'm so sorry."

The way he held my face made me feel uncomfortable.

Remembering that Ferree is right beside me, I broke away. "Uh... This is Ferrer. He's Terr's father." I'm not sure what else he is right now. He's lukewarm about everything.

They shook hands.

"Speaking of Terrence, I just saw him."

Ferr and I looked at each other. He's supposed to be with Nick. What is he doing in Moscow?

"Where did you see him?"

"Outside." He pointed towards the French doors separating the graveyard from the funeral parlor.

Soon enough, a few men I recognize walked in. They used to work for my father. They formed a clear path on either side of the aisle leading up to the casket. Alexei walked in first and I saw him hesitate at the entrance. I grew anxious feeling something big is about to happen. My mother and sister came to stand beside me.

Terrence walked in.

My son, like his father is tall. In the few weeks I have been away, he's almost at my height. He's just eleven... The dark knee length coat, the crisp white shirt, the dark suit , the black tie... He looks classy. He looks like something I don't want to accept but I realized it when every one of the bodyguards bowed as he passed. I gripped Ferrer's arm for strength and Federov as well.

The other bosses assembled to shake his hand.

"What is going on?" Ferrer whispered.

"Meet the new boss." Katerina spoke what I couldn't.

Papa just played his final ace from beyond the grave.

He has the last laugh.

He made my son the boss.

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