Chapter Thirty: Chasing Shadows

Start from the beginning

I walked along the rough runway along the fading light and into the dark. The Rain mercilessly pounded down on me as though asking me to turn back but there's no turning back now. Papa has moved Ferrer. He knew! He knew we would get him out once we find out where he is. He willingly sent me to him knowing it may be the last time I'm seeing the man I love.

I feel as cold as I did when he pulled out and walked away without a word. I think I cried but I'm not sure because the mechanical part of me got dressed and dragged my emotional side out if there. I zoned out through the flight. I'm beginning to see the sense of what Alexei said.

I'm distracted.

If it was any other man I would not be as affected but this is Ferrer. This is the man I love. Papa is setting me up to fail. If I do, he has one less person to worry about and full access to my son. If I succeed, his enemy is done. But what if he's setting me up? Who is he sending me to?

From the endless woods, someone who definitely doesn't want company or even wants to be found. I stayed silent trying to be as quiet as the night that is setting in. I can't see much and I'm not about to use a flashlight. I can't break for the night. I can't. I am on a clock. I have six hours to get it done. In six hours a lot can happen. It's enough time to kill or get killed.

I reminded myself of what Alexei said. It's for the people I love. This is one mission driven by emotion. It's for love. I hope that fuel is enough to get things done better than blind obedience to the monster who raised me.

I have been walking for hours. I'm tired, thirsty and especially frustrated that all I still see are trees. The only way to get an idea of where I am is to climb a tree.

Climbing trees reminds me of Kei. I smiled to myself when I remembered the first time we went for a hike and I asked her to climb up a tree. She said she didn't know how. To me it's as easy as taking one step after another but my dear friend was never allowed to as a child. Her mother was raising a proper lady. 'Ladies don't climb trees' is what she told me after I insisted. I smiled for a moment. She's always a positive thought.

I used the binoculars to scan the area. It's dark but about ten klicks. I sighed at the hour long walk. At least it has stopped raining but now I'm feeling cold. I still need to get there and fight for my life. Goodness! If I was to be reborn, I would choose to be a tree. All I would wait for us to be cut down. This is torture.

I willed myself not to wait until daylight by falling asleep in the tree. I have to keep going.

I did just that once I came down. I kept walking nearing my destination with each step. When the little house came into view, I prepared the sniper gun. The house is on a lower plane. It's an advantage for me but unfortunately, it's not close enough for me to see anyone through the scope. I'll have to go down there.

When someone hasn't bothered to fence off his property, then he's open for visitors. He's ready for friendlies and hostiles. I approached with caution and only stopped when I saw a man playing chess. Now I see him clearly. I don't know this man.

I lowered the gun looking around. I'm close to the house. I can choose to take the shot from here. Nothing is obstructing me. He is sitting by the window. He doesn't know I'm here. I can do this fast but what proof will I have? Extraction will only come if there's a body. Who else is in the house? It can't be this easy!

I lowered the gun. I'll have to engage him in a hand to hand combat. I hate my life! I let out a sigh before I proceeded towards the house. It's really quiet, so much so that I can her myself breathing. I stilled my thudding heart. It never becomes normal. No. Not even a million if these missions will ever be normal!

I bent my frame after setting the heavy back down. I armed myself with knives in every part of me that is easy to reach for each knife I will lose. Two smoking barrels will do it.

"For Ferr and Terr." I whispered before I pushed open the window. The first smell that hit me was soap. It's the kind women soak themselves into. It's fragrance is heavy in the house. I gently set my feet down taking a moment to look around. If he's reading, someone else is taking a bath. It better be a damsel or I'm screwed. But if I do this fast, she won't even know I was here.

The man looks older, perhaps close to my father's age but it's hard to tell. These days people become silver foxes way before they are fifty.

"My keenest sense is my hearing." He moved a pawn on the  board with his back to me. "The kitchen window has a slight creak when it comes down. Who are you?"

He seems reasonable or maybe he's just that insane. "Get on your knees, hands behind your head."

"It's rude to come into a man's house uninvited and order him around. Didn't your father teach you that..." He faced me.  "Katya."

"I won't repeat myself."

He smiled at me. "I don't envy you right now."

I didn't understand what that meant until something tight wrapped around my neck and the force yanked me back throwing me into midair before it forced me down on the floor. I fell hard at the bare feet of a woman. Before I could get up, she knocked me out.

The Romanov Series Book #1: My Rogue Girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now