24: End of The Trials

Start from the beginning

Half-lidded eyes tiredly gazed up at you, lovingly as Kyojuro gave you a small smile.

"So, did I pass my final trial?" He asked, chuckling softly. His voice was filled with a sense of accomplishment, a hint of exhaustion lingering in his words.

You smiled softly, typical Rengoku, as you then glanced around, taking in the fallen demons and the scattered remnants of their opposition. It is a sight that fills you with a mix of unease and sympathy. But above all, the prevailing emotion is relief.

As you watched the sun rise in the distance, casting a warm glow over the meadow, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you. It seemed like Mt. Yukiyama was once again saved, and things in Kazahana can finally return to normal thanks to Kyojuro.

You glanced back down at Kyojuro gave him a soft nod, which only made him grin even more in delight. With the sun's light shining, he appeared angelic as he released a great sigh of relief.

"Good to know. You'd be coming home me♡" he grins. "I know this may not be the best time to do this...and I probably should've done it right beforehand. But I wanted to wait just a bit longer!"

You raised your brow in question, wanting to know what he was talking about?

"Do what?" You asked and watched Kyojuro's hand slowly reach into his pocket.

Your (eye color) eyes slowly widen when he pulled out a small velvet box.

"[Name], my beautiful snow flower...will you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful flame and marry me?" He proposed, opening the box and revealing a shiny silver ring with the words "愛してる" engraved on it.

"I-I know it isn't much, but it was all I could afford at the moment!" He explained, blushing slightly.

Suddenly, he felt something wet fall onto his cheek and he looked to see that you're crying! Panicking, the Flame Hashira quickly sat up, ignoring how sore his body felt and quickly wrapped his arms around you.

"[Name], my love! Please don't be discouraged! I promise I'll do better and give you a better one...with the biggest diamond! Please, don't cry!" He says, nuzzling his face in your neck.

"You idiot!" You say, slightly pushing him away.

Kyojuro felt his heart stink at your words as he frowned deeply, thinking that once again, he came on too strong.

Perhaps, he should've proposed earlier?

However, before Kyojuro could feel any more disheartened, he was suddenly surprised by your unexpected actions. Without a moment's hesitation, you leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on his lips, leaving him stunned. His red and golden eyes widened in shock as he tried to process what had just happened. When you finally pulled away, a radiant smile adorned your face, and tears of absolute joy glistened in your eyes as you looked at him with happiness.

His heart burned at the sight of you beaming at him with so much love and happiness that he felt like he might explode like a firework.

"OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!" You exclaimed happily.

After everything you'd been through, all the ice in your heart had completely melted away and in it's place was a burning fire.

"Yes! I love you, Rengoku Kyojuro, Flame Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps! My...my Burning Flame!" You blushed shyly.

Kyojuro, enthusiastic by nickname, was unable to hold himself back as he gently grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. With each passing moment, the kiss deepened, creating a symphony of emotions as your teeth occasionally bumped against each other, adding to the raw emotion shared between you and Kyojuro as you both embraced each other tightly.


You both slowly pulled away and glanced to see Otsune standing a few feet away from you.

"Hope I'm not interrupting?" She raises a white brow.

"Obachan!" You exclaimed excitedly before getting up and running over to her.

"Look, look, look! Kyojuro proposed!~♡" You say excitedly, showing her your engagement ring that Kyojuro gave you.

The elder woman was taken aback by your sudden change in attitude. You sounded like a happy child at a candy and toy store. But nevertheless, she was happy for you.

"Oh, how exciting! I knew this day would come," she said, patting your hand affectionately. "You two are perfect for each other." Her words filled you with a warm sense of contentment.

You beamed at her. "Thank you, Obachan," you said, hugging her tightly. "I couldn't be happier."

"I'm glad," she says, before glancing over at Kyojuro. "Well done, Rengoku!" She grins warmly at her future son-in-law.

"You passed, [Name]-chan is all yours! Therefore, you have my blessing!"

Kyojuro beams at her before standing, despite his aching body as he bowed. "Thank you, Lady Fukasawa! I promise to take good of her and protect her with my life!"

His words had you ecstatic: "Oh, Kyo!" You ran to him and kissed him again, feeling all kinds of joy and excitement within your heart. The thought of spending the rest of your life with Kyojuro filled you with a sense of purpose and happiness that you had never known before.

As you held Kyojuro's hand tightly, the sunlight was filtering through the leaves above, casting a golden glow on your faces. It was a moment you would always treasure—the beginning of a new chapter in your life with the man you loved.


Note: 愛してる = I Love You.

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