Chapter 18 part 3

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~Shoyo while in a coma~

Shoyo's POV:

I wake up to the sound of waves crashing, I sit up and I see I'm at the beach. Confused I stand and I look around I see our old beach house, I smile. I look to see I'm still in my suit, I take my shoes off and roll my pants up, walking near the water. After a while I hear, "what are you doing here little sun?" I quickly turn around to see, my grandfather.

 After a while I hear, "what are you doing here little sun?" I quickly turn around to see, my grandfather

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I tear up, "grandpa? Is that really you?" He smiles, "indeed it is, my little sun. So what are you doing here?" I shrug, "where exactly am I? Last I remember I was under a collapsed wall and partial ceiling. Am I dead?" He shakes his head, "no you're not dead...yet. We are in a place between living and dying. I was sent here to help you decide what you want." Shocked I only nod, he asks, "what made you give up Shoyo?" I tear up, "the pain...the stress, the sleepless nights. Part of me wants to give up, because I'm not in pain here, but the other part of me is wanting to fight." He nods, "are you willing to lose Kei to not be in pain anymore? Is he not worth the pain?" I shake my head, "he is worth the pain, I don't want to lose him grandpa. But-" he interrupts me, "but what?" I drop to my knees and cry, "it's peaceful here. Like I can actually breathe what feels like the first time in years. I've done nothing but work, I excelled in my studies, learned a multitude of languages, learned how to manage the business before I was 15, I made business deals instead of friends, to make you proud, to make dad proud, to become what was needed of me! Here, I can actually breathe... I can just do nothing and watch the waves crash against the shore and not have what seems like the world on my shoulders."

He kneels and hugs me, "Shoyo, there isn't anything you could do to make me not proud of you my little sun. I'm sorry if our expectations of you made you feel like this, we just wanted what's best for you. Most of the blame can be put on me since I told your father what to do. You were and still are very bright for someone your age, I'm sorry I didn't want you wasting and being bored following normal school curriculum. I didn't think about how it affected you mentally, I'm sorry my little sun. Shoyo I've been watching over you, what you have done to the company has went past my wildest dreams, and I know your father's as well, thats because of you. I am so proud of you!"

After I calm down, we walk down the beach, "grandpa should I go back?" He smiles, "that's not a question I can answer for you. I can say, I would rather see you go and live your life. Have kids, grow old. You're too young to be here with me Shoyo. But it's your decision, if you want to come with me I'll sadly but happily take you with, if you want to go, I'll happily yet sadly say goodbye and say we will meet again." I nod, "is it bad I want to kind of stay?" He shakes his head, "Shoyo you had to go through one of the worst experiences at such a young age. I can't imagine the pain you went through, I know it's peaceful here, but are you willing to have your loved ones watch you die again, when they think they just got you back?" I tilt my head, "what do you mean?" He pats my shoulder, "you're currently in a coma right now Shoyo. Kei is right by your side. Your body is there but your mind, your spirit is here, because you are uncertain of what you want."

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