Chapter 28

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Shoyo's POV:

After grabbing all the food, Kei, Tadashi and I head over to moms house. Once we arrive Kei gives me puppy dog eyes, "Sho, can I get a piggyback ride?" I smile, "of course you'll need to hold on tight since I'll be carrying the food in ok?" He nods and jumps on my back giggling. Tadashi grabbed the drinks while I grabbed the food. We walked inside Kei called out, "mom, dad, we're here!" Mom and dad come walking down the stairs, mom gasps, "Kei get off Shoyo! You should've helped carry in the food." He pouts, I chuckle, "it's ok mom, he barely weighs a thing, maybe it is a good thing I got you pregnant, so I can fatten you up." He gasps and smacks my shoulder, "I knew you knocked me up on purpose!" I laugh, "everyone ready for food?" I walk to the dining room, sit Kei down and I start passing out food, Tadashi starts passing out the drinks. Kei asks, "Sho can I sit in your lap and eat?" Dad speaks up first, "Kei eat your food in your own chair." Kei pouts, I kiss his temple, "why don't you eat then you can sit in my lap ok?" He nods and starts eating.

While we were eating dad sees my hand and asks, "Shoyo what did you do to your hand? Also why does it look like you have blood on your shirt?" Confused I look down, "huh? shit, didn't realize I got blood on myself. Uh we can talk about this after we finish eating, I don't want to ruin dinner." He slowly nods, "alright." After we finish eating Kei cuddles in my lap, I wrap my arms around his waist and smile. Dad clears his throat, "ehem. So are you going to tell me what happened today?" I nod, "Kei, why don't you walk Tadashi back home while I tell dad." He nods, Tadashi waves bye to everyone and they leave. I sigh and started to explain all what happened and why I had blood on my shirt and my hand bandaged. Dad was getting more and more pissed as I continued explaining. "And that is all that happened." Mom and dads eyes widen, dad asks, "did you really say and do all that?" I rub the back of my neck, "I said a few more colorful words and threats that would make a grown man piss his pants. But figured I wouldn't go word for word." Mom is speechless, dad asks, "may I ask what threats you made?" I nod, "uh yeah so, because Kei was crying so hard that he was having a hard time breathing and visibly shaking, I was worried about him but also our baby, which is why I'm taking him for a check up tomorrow. uh do you want word for word or less colorful?" Dad raises his eyebrows, "word for word." I sigh, "ok...I apologize for my language. I said to him, I promise you that, if anything happens to Kei or my child I'll murder you and serve your mutilated head on a silver fucking platter to your family, do I make myself clear? Uh...I also may have called him the cum shot his mother should've swallowed..." Mom spits our her water and coughs, "uh wow." 

Kei comes walking back in holding his stomach, I look worried, "Kei is everything ok?" He shakes his head, "my stomach feels weird." I quickly stand up and run over to him, gently rubbing his stomach, "what do you mean weird baby? Like nauseous weird?" He tears up and shakes his head, "I don't know, it just feels weird, I don't like it." My eyes widen I pick him up bridal style and run to my car, "I'm taking you to the hospital." I speed to the hospital and run inside holding Kei in my arms, "My husband is pregnant and said his stomach feels weird, please can you check up on him?" Doctors quickly take Kei away, mom and dad run in, mom yells, "Shoyo! What's wrong?" I tear up, "m-mom. He said his stomach felt weird and he didn't like it. What if he loses the baby?" Mom tears up, "it's ok sweetie, Kei and the baby will be alright. Today was just stressful." 

2 hours later a doctor comes out, "are you guys here for Hinata Kei?" I stand up quickly, "how's my husband? Is the baby okay?" He nods, "so Kei and the baby are both ok for now, but the stress put a lot pressure on his body almost causing him to have a miscarriage, if he stays stressed like this he can lose the baby and because of that we're going to keep him for a few days." I nod, "can I see him?" He nods, "room 503." I run to his room and open the door, "Kei, how are you feeling?" He tears up, "I'm sorry I almost lost our baby." I sit next to his bed and grab his hand, "it's not your fault, think positive, we didn't lose our baby, we still have them." I rub his stomach lightly, "I can tell already they're going to be strong just like their papa." He smiles, "r-really? You think I'm strong?" I nod, "I do, you're so strong baby, you do such a good job protecting our baby." Kei tears up, "really? I do? Sho can you cuddle me?" I nod, carefully climbing into the bed, Kei cuddles up to me, "I love you so much Kei, now just relax ok? Don't think about anything negative, think about all the fun things we'll do as a family, how we're going to decorate the nurseries, anything but negativity." He nods and closes his eye, "can you sing the lullaby to me?" I smile, "of course I will." I start singing the lullaby as mom and dad walk in.

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