Alternate Ending: Chapter 38

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*There is a small smut part in this chapter, I have it labeled when it begins and ends. Feel free to not read that part if you're not comfortable.*

Shoyo's POV:

I've been having these dreams every single night about this boy. Some boy I've never met in my life, but he somehow plagues my dreams. l've tried finding him but I can only remember his first name, Kei, so having to look through thousands and thousands of people with the first name Kei, is exhausting. I groan leaning back in my chair, Kenma walks into my office, "still can't find him huh? Is he even real Sho?" I rake my hands through my hair, "I don't know! But I've been having these dreams about him for 8 months Kenma! Each night is a continuation, it feels so real...I hate waking up each morning, knowing it's not real! I want him to be real, I want my dreams to be real! I need them to be real Kenma."

Kenma nods, "I'm sorry, I know it's a touchy subject with you, it's just Sho you have a business to run, have you forgotten about the thousands of people that rely on you? I know you want to find him, but maybe taking a break from that will do you some good. Hell until 8 months ago I thought you were straight! I mean you've done nothing but date/fuck women, and then you tell me about these dreams with a guy? I'm sorry, but are you even gay? " I look down, "I don't know... I look at guys and I'm not sexually attracted to them, but when I think about him and I want to kiss and hug him, never let him go, and honestly I get an erection just thinking about the things I would do to him. God I would marry him right now. Kenma I've had dreams about having sex with him...I can replay those dreams over and over. Honestly it's the type of sex that would have any straight guy second guessing themselves. " He laughs and nods, "I think you need to stop trying to find him for a while ok?" I sigh, "maybe you're right.. maybe I need to step away from it. Anyways how did you get up here Kenken? You don't have access to the elevators as they require every employee to scan before entering." He smirks, "I made myself a card while you were to busy with this Kei guy." I laugh, "ok well let's go to lunch, I'm hungry."

We go have lunch at Kenken's favorite restaurant. We were getting ready to leave when Kenma received a call, saying Tetsu is in the ER because he broke his leg. Kenma sighs, "let's go visit the dumbass, he broke his leg." I laugh, "how?" Kenma shakes his head in disappointment, "he thought he could do parkour, and ended falling roughly 2 meters breaking his leg." I laugh, "yeah let's go see the dumbass."

I drive us to the hospital, we ask where Kuroo Tetsuro is. The receptionist smiles and says, "he's in room 605." We nod and walk to his room. While we were walking to his room, we could here screaming, "get off me!! I need to find him!!" And other voices yelling, "hold him down!! Sir calm down!!" I look to Kenma and then the door where it's coming from. Something is pulling me towards that door, like I need to open it. I open the door and I see him, I gasp, "Kenma it's him." His eyes widen, "what?!"

The blonde boy sees me, with tears in his eyes he rips out his IV and runs towards me. He jumps into my arms, clinging onto me for dear life. One of the nurses tries to pull him off me, "sir get off him!" Kei tightens his grip, "no! Sho it's me, it's Kei!! They kept saying it's not real, I know it is!! Please don't leave me!" I wrap my arms around him and say, "let him go." I rub his back, "shh.. it's ok, just take some deep breaths for me ok?" He nods and starts calming down. The nurses say, "sir you're bleeding, we need to help you." He shake's his head, "no! You'll take me away from him!" I rub his back again, "shh... no one will take you. Let them help you ok? I'll be right next to you."

I look to Kenma, "Kenken you can go ahead and see Tetsu, I'll be there shortly ok?" He nods, "see you later." I walk Kei to his bed and try to lay him down. He shakes his head, "please don't let me go." I nod and sit in the bed, adjusting him to sit in my lap, so they can bandage up his arm. One nurse recognized me and bows, "I'm so sorry for this Mr. Hinata. We will get him bandaged so you can be on your way." Kei pouts, "he won't leave me, he's my husband." I smile and pat his head, "no need for pouting Kei, she's just doing her job." He sighs, "I'm sorry."

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