Chapter 36

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~timeskip Seiji is 3, Kei is 20, Sho is 22~

Shoyo's POV:

So I'm planning a surprise trip for Kei, we're going to go back to Bora Bora with Seiji for a vacation. I plan on proposing to him while there, so I'm flying his parents and my parents both to Bora Bora so they can be there for the proposal. I know Kei was expecting my proposal when he was 18, which is why I think this will be more of a surprise. I texted Tadashi real quick.


Sho: Tads I need you to meet me at the mall, if Kei asks you're with Tai.

Dashi: ok? Can I know why?

Sho: we're going to a jewelry store

Dashi: 👀 💍?

Sho: 👍

Dashi: 🙌 🏃‍♂️

~end text~

I meet up with Tadashi, he runs up, "omg you're finally proposing!! What the hell took so long?!" I chuckle, "well, I knew he was expecting it so I waited till he thought it wasn't going to happen so I can really surprise him. I'm taking him back to Bora Bora. I already have a plan it's just getting all the pieces in order." We walk into the jewelry store a worker comes to greet us, "welcome, how can I help you today?" I smile, "I'm looking for engagement rings for my boyfriend." She looks to Tadashi, "congratulations what kind are you look for?" We both say, "no no no no." Tadashi says, "I'm the best friend of the boyfriend, I'm just helping him pick a ring out." She bows, "my apologies so what are we looking for?" I think for a second, "I want something simple and timeless. Nothing to gaudy, Tadashi do you know what style he looked at the most?" He nods, "he looked at more "feminine" rings so what traditionally women would receive when being proposed to."

After an hour I have it narrowed down to 3 choices

#1: which I'm leaning more towards 2 CT. Oval diamond with rose gold band, simple.

 Oval diamond with rose gold band, simple

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#2:  also a 2 CT. Oval diamond with a rose gold band but a little more detail

 Oval diamond with a rose gold band but a little more detail

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