Chapter 27

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Shoyo's POV:

I've been getting so busy with work, and I'm going to have to head to Tokyo, hopefully I can wait till the weekend and Kei can come with me. I look at the clock, reading 1:30pm, Kei will be out of school soon. I shut my laptop and walk out of my office, I just need a little bit of time away.

While I was resting in the living room, I hear my phone ringing, I quickly walk into my office and see who's calling me, confused why is Kei calling me he should be in class.

~phone call~

Sho: Kei? Baby?

Kei: S-Sho? *muffled cries*

Sho: Kei what's wrong.

Kei: *cries* Sho can you come pick me up? Please?

Sho: I'm on way baby

Kei: please hurry. *cries harder*

Sho: Kei what's wrong?

Kei: *cries*

Sho: baby is Tadashi with you?

Kei: y-yeah

Sho: put him on ok? I'm in my car now. I'll be there in 5

Kei: it's a 20 minute drive to school though

Sho: not today

Tadashi: Shoyo?

Sho: Tadashi! What what hell happened!

Tadashi: Shoyo, people found out

Sho: about?

Tadashi: Kei being pregnant.

Sho: WHAT?! HOW?!

Tadashi: Kageyama... Tsuki and him were arguing when he blurted it out. *cries* Shoyo, the comments they made about him, they were awful.

Sho: What did they say?

Tadashi: Kageyama called him a whore. others were saying you left him to raise the child alone. Some were even saying some guy paid to have sex with him.

Sho: I'm here where are you guys?

Tadashi: we're in the office.

~end of call~

I'm running into the office yelling, "Kei!" I see Kei look up with his puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks, "S-Sho!" He runs into my arms and cries, "they were so mean Sho, they kept calling me names." I hug him tight, "I'm so sorry baby. It's ok, I'm right here I'm not leaving you." While I console Kei I look over at Tadashi, "did you contact mom and dad?" He nods, "auntie is on her way as well." I nod, my expression darkens, "where is he?" Tadashi gulps, "he's in class." I nod, "when mom gets here you're taking me there, understand?" As he nods, mom runs in, "Kei! Sweetie!" I look over, "mom come here." She quickly comes over, "what happened! I just got called saying to come over here asap." I sigh, "people found out about the pregnancy, started calling him names." Her expression darkens, "WHAT?! WHO TOLD!!"

Tadashi looks nervously at me I give him a smile, "Tadashi already told me who, now could you console Kei while I deal with him?" I principal nervously says, "uh, Mr. Hinata I understand you're upset." I glare at him, "upset? you think I'm just upset?! No I'm fucking furious!! I'm pulling Kei out of this fucking school today!" His eyes widen, "Mr. Hinata only his parents can do that." I yell, "He's my fucking husband! If I want to pull him out of this shit hole I will, no one will fucking stop me!!" Mom glares at him, "Kei is done with this place, he's never coming anywhere near here. I'm taking him home now. *looks at Shoyo* Shoyo, sweetie please grab Kei's things I'll meet you at your house ok?" I nod, "will do mom." I kiss Kei's temple, "Kei, my love, go with mom ok? I'll be right behind you, I just need to deal with this ok?" He slowly nods and mumbles, "o-ok, please h-hurry Sho." I smile, "the moment this paperwork is done I'm leaving." Mom slowly walks Kei out, I look to the principal, "Karasuno just lost it's biggest contributor. I'm pulling my funds from this school." I look back at Tadashi, "now lead the way." He nods.

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