Chapter 2

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Shoyo's POV:

I wake up Kenma and Tetsuro, with bit of a struggle too. After getting breakfast and our luggage together we head out to my jet to head home. I wont be able to text today so I quickly text Kei.

~texts between Sho and Kei~

Sho: Hey Kei, I know you might not be able to text me back but I just wanted to say I'll be busy with meetings all day so I won't be able to talk until later tonight. I will call you tonight  before heading to bed 😘

Kei: Sho? How late? I really wanted to talk today I needed help in my homework 😔

Sho: will be around 10 your time. Is that too late for you?

Kei: No its not! It's never too late to talk to you. I wanna hear your voice, I miss you....🥺

Sho: I miss you too Kei. I trying really  hard to finish everything here I should be done by next week. The moment I'm done I'll come home I promise you.

Kei: Hurry up... I miss my Sho...

Sho: I'm trying baby I truly am. Kei I gotta go, I'll call you tonight ok? I love you 🥰

Kei: I love you too Sho

~end of texts~

Once we get to the jet I let the pilot know where we are heading to, we take off for Tokyo. I sigh, thinking to myself, I'm coming home Kei, I missed you so much. Kuroo interrupts my thinking, "jeez Sho, how come I've never seen this jet before?" Rolling my eyes, "because I try not to flaunt my wealth Tetsuro. But please don't say anything about me being with you guys ok? I want to surprise Kei." Nodding his head, "of course we won't Sho. You know if I did Kenma would kill me. It's actually quite sad he puts you above me." I shake my head and pat his shoulder, "Kenma is bad at expressing his feelings towards you but trust me he's always staring at you lovingly when you're not looking. You know he makes comments like the ones on the posts because it makes you hug him?" I giggle as Kuroo's eyes widen, "w-wait really? He does?" I nod my head, "yes he does, he just doesn't want to flat out ask you for cuddles so he does that instead. He really does love you. *gives Kuroo a switch and a copy of animal crossing* Here take these and go play with Kenma, I need to finish emails so I will be in my office if you guys need anything otherwise help yourselves to whatever you need." He smiles, "thank you Sho, for everything but especially being Kenma's friend and not trying to change him." I smile as Kuroo walks away, I head towards my office to finish some emails.

~Instagram Post~



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@Hinata.Shoyo does the offer still stand to be my sugar daddy? 👀🙏

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Kozume.Kenma: Kuroo, wtf... why would you post this.

Hinata.Shoyo: Say less baby 😉 👅

Kozume.Kenma: Sho please don't encourage his behavior. Plus aren't you in a meeting right now?

Kuroo.Tetsuro: Oops....?

Hinata.Shoyo: Sorry Kenken....I'll get back to my meeting.

Yaku.Morisuke: wtf are you guys doing now...

Kuroo.Tetsuro: My newly acquired sugar daddy is letting us borrow his private jet so we can be home for our practice match.

Hinata.Shoyo: Sorry for all the troubles they may have caused! But please don't be too mad at my Kenken 😊

Yaku.Morisuke: Oh no thank you! Thank you for letting them use your private jet to get back here.

Kozume.Kenma: Shoyo meeting, offline now.

Miya.Atsumu: He has a fucking private jet?! Please be my sugar daddy!

Miya.Osamu: Ew.. I can't believe I'm related to you..

Nishinoya.Yu: Kuroo can you at least share?! My wallet has been crying about every post you make 🥲

Tanaka.Ryunosuke: I've never felt more poor in my lifetime then right now...

Asahi.Azumane: it's not right to use him for his money....

Sugawara.Koshi: that's the definition of having a sugar daddy Asahi...

Kozume.Kenma: Sho is not Kuroo's sugar daddy! Kuroo you're going to get him in trouble.

Kageyama.Tobio: In trouble with who?

Tsukishima.Kei: his lover, isn't obvious king?

Kageyama.Tobio: don't call me that beanstalk!!

~meanwhile with Kei~

Kei's POV:

I'm looking down at my phone when Yamaguchi walks up to me pats my shoulder, "just listen to Kenma, Hinata is not Kuroo's sugar daddy. There just best friends that's all." I sigh, "I know it's just I wish I could've went to go see him or I wish he was actually with them coming home. I just miss him Yams..." He smiles, "he'll be home soon, now get your saltiness back because we have practice to go to." I stand up and scoff, "I'm not salty." He shakes his head, "uh huh whatever you say Tsuki, just a softy for Hinata huh?"

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