Chapter 29

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Shoyo's POV:

"Kei, my love, I need to head to the house real quick. Will you be ok by yourself for a little bit?" He nods, "yeah you're coming right back right?" I smile, "yeah I just need to grab my laptop and change my clothes. Do you want me to pick anything up for you on my way back?" His eyes light up, "can I get a strawberry milkshake?" I nod, "your wish is my command. I'll be back in about 20-30 minutes ok?" He smiles and nods, "I see you in a little bit."

I headed home showered and changed clothes quickly then grabbed my laptop, heading to the café to pick up my order for a strawberry and chocolate milkshake plus a small fry. Making my way back to his hospital room, I open the door and smile, "baby I'm back with your milkshake. Do you want to eat in bed or sit with me on the couch?" He smiles, "eat with you." I set the bag down on the table and pick him up, "let's eat, I also got us a fry to share." He giggles as I picked him up, sitting down with him in my lap I hand him his milkshake and pull out the fry. Kei starts eating the fries then taking sips of his milkshake right after, I smile, "I may regret telling you this but have you tried scooping your milkshake up with the fries?" Kei's eyes sparkle, "omg that sounds better! Imma do that!" I chuckle, "how is it? Do you like it?" He nods, "is this what you do?" I nod, "whenever I feel like having something with my milkshake I will." Kei and I finish our snack, he smiles, "I'm never having just a plain milkshake again."

I pull my laptop out, since I need to do some paperwork as well as answer some emails. I look over and Kei has a frown, I ask, "why isn't that frown upside down?" He pouts, "because you'll need to start working." I kiss his temple, "would you like to be my personal assistant today? I'm just working on some paperwork and answering some emails." He perks up, "I can help you?" I nod, "if that's what you want, I'll always take your help." He smiles and nods, "yes please I want to help!"

The smile that was on Kei's face, just by simply helping me with my more tedious work, made me smile while doing my work, honestly I was less stressed with him helping me, I might ask him if he wants to actually become my personal assistant. Just for him being near while I do work makes me smile. An idea pops into my head, what if I get him as my P.A and then start putting money in his account as "paychecks" so he won't get suspicious of me just giving him money. Imma genius!

Suddenly a knock on the door gets my attention, "come in" I look up to see Tadashi with his parents. I smile, "hello Tadashi, Mr. And Mrs. Yamaguchi." Kei is still focused on some of the emails Tadashi tilts his head and asks, "uh what's got his attention so focused?" I smile, "he's helping me with work." He raises his eyebrows, "he's that happy doing that?" I shrug, "I guess." I take the laptop away, "Kei it's rude not greeting your guests who came here to see you." He bows his head slightly, "I apologize for my rudeness, thanks for coming." Mrs. Yamaguchi comes and hugs him, "how's everything huh? Are you feeling better." He nods, "yeah, evidently what happened at school was just too much for my body to handle. But I'm better, doctors say I can be discharged tomorrow morning." She nods, "you're not going back to the horrible school are you?" Kei shakes his head, "no, Shoyo and Mom pulled me out that day."

Mr. Yamaguchi clears his throat, "ehem, sorry to interrupt but if we could possibly talk about Tadashi and Tokyo?" I smile and nod, "yes, what did you want to talk about." He nods, "Tadashi said he could use your apartment or live with you? I think we would be imposing too much if he did either of those, but also Tadashi being so far away and he doesn't know anyone there." I nod, "well I understand how you feel, but I promise when I say he wouldn't be imposing I'm not just saying that, I truly mean it. Also my 2 childhood bestfriends are actually at Nekoma they both play on the volleyball team, ones even the captain. I know they would take good care of Tadashi at Nekoma. I offered my apartment because I rarely use it since I have my house there now. You wouldn't have to worry about finding a good place you know he would be safe in or paying rent. My apartment complex has one of the best security teams and even my apartment itself has its separate security system on top of that. Tadashi already knows where everything's at in the apartment and even one of the guest bedrooms is already his. My house is also 20 minutes away so if anything happens or he needs something Kei and I can quickly get there. My apartment is also closer to Nekoma it's about a 5-10 minute walk to school."

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