Chapter 21

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Shoyo's POV:

Kei has been really antsy like something is bothering him, suddenly he sits up and fidgets with his hands, "hey uhm, Sho?" "Hmm?" He takes a deep breath, "I know nothing will be happening between us for a while, uhmm, I just wanted to say I'm ready." I tilt my head, "ready for what Kei?" He blushes and looks down, "I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level.. when you're healed up I want to go all the way with you." I smile, "are you sure baby? What happened isn't making you think you need to have sex with me now is it?" He shakes his head, "no its not, I promise. This made me realize just how much I love you. I wanted to tell you I want to have sex with you for a while but I was just nervous on how to tell you or what to do because I'm a virgin. I tried asking Yams questions and he said I should talk it out with you, but do you know how embarrassing is it to ask your husband, hey how do I have sex with you?" I smirk, trying not to laugh, "Kei, baby it's not embarrassing, there's nothing to be embarrassed about being a virgin. Everyone was one at some point in time. You shouldn't be embarrassed to come talk to me about anything, I'm your husband. How about this when I get discharged and we're at home we can talk about everything. I'll try to answer any questions you have." He looks up, "really?" I nod, "yes, we can figure out what you like and don't like ok? And what you like and dislike might not be the exact same as me and that's fine, I don't want you to think you need to have the same likes. And no matter what, if anything starts to make you uncomfortable while we're making love then don't hesitate to tell me, we can stop and try something else if you want to ok?" He slowly nods while blushing.

I kiss him sweetly, "now can we cuddle more? I want to get as much cuddles I can, maybe then I won't go crazy without your cuddles for a week." He kisses me and says, "I love you" then cuddles into again. We stayed like this until his mom and dad came to pick him up. His parents are trying to get him to let go of me, I should be helping but I can't help but to cuddle him and laugh. I finally speak up, "Kei, baby, it's time to go. We can video call when you get home ok? I'll even stay on until you fall asleep."

He pouts, "but it's not the same...I don't want to go." I sigh, "love, please as much as I want to keep you here by my side you need to go, you have school tomorrow." He shakes his head, "I won't even be able to focus with you here while I'm in Miyagi." I cup his face, "Kei listen, you need to go to school, I need you to please focus in all your classes, you're already behind as it is. You can video call me once you get home from school everyday I'll help you with your homework. But you need to actually try in class and at practice ok? I'll find out if you don't." He sighs and nods, "f-fine. But only because you said I can video call you everyday day. Can we video call at night so I can fall asleep too?" I smile and kiss him, "of course we can. Now it's time to go otherwise you'll miss your train. I love you Kei. I'll see you next weekend ok?" He kisses me back, "I love you too, see you next weekend."

After they leave I sigh, man it's quiet in here now. Maybe I can get my dad to give me my laptop to do some work, I'm bored already and Kei just left not even 5 minutes ago. I call my dad from the hospital phone.

~phone call~

Dad: Hinata Rin.

Sho: Hey dad, its just me.

Dad: yea Sho?

Sho: can you bring my laptop when you guys come back?

Dad: do you need it for something?

Sho: well it'll be easier to video call with Kei, but they also just left and I'm already bored. Figure I can check on the company while I'm stuck in here and Kei's back home.

Dad: *chuckles* fine but don't let your mother see you working she'll kill us both if finds out I helped.

Sho: secret is safe with me dad. Just tell her I want it to video call Kei and to watch movies.

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