Chapter 32

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Kei's POV:

I wake up having to pee for the millionth time during the night, ugh. I just want a peaceful night of rest is that too much to ask? I lay back down, Sho mumbles, "Kei is everything alright?" I sigh, "no...Seiji won't stop moving and kicking my bladder." He rolls over to face me and starts rubbing my belly. He leans down and whispers, "Seiji, be nice to papa ok? I promise you can move as much as you want when you're born. Think you can wait until then? Daddy promises to play with you as much as you like, just be nice to papa while you're in there." He kisses my belly and continues to rub it. Thankfully Seiji settles down, I smile and fall back asleep.

I'm woken up by kisses, I groan, "babe, let me sleep please..." He kisses my temple, "love, it's time to get up. We need to go to the hospital remember? Seiji arrives today." I wake up and smile, "It's today? We finally get to meet our baby?" He smiles and nods, "we finally get to meet our baby boy. So let's get you showered and dressed then we can head out ok?" Sho helps me up and into the shower. Once we're done and dressed He helps me down the stairs where our moms are making breakfast.

My mom smiles, "morning boys, Kei how are you feeling today?" I smile and rub my belly, "I'm a bit tired but I'm excited that this little one finally gets to arrive. I can't wait to see him." Mom smiles, "Kei sweetie I think when I say this I speak for your parents and Rin and I, we're all excited to meet Seiji, we'll stay here for today let you and Sho have a day with Seiji. We'll visit tomorrow morning then you can have some time to sleep ok?" I smile, "I would appreciate that thank you guys."

After we ate, Sho and I said goodbye to our parents and drove to the hospital. We arrived and checked in, Dr. Mori walks in, "excited to meet your new buddle of joy soon?" I nod, "yeah we are." He smiles, "alright well. Kei we're going to go ahead and get you into the room and get everything prepped then we'll get Shoyo to come in and sit by you." Sho kisses my temple, "I'll see you in a few minutes." I smile, "see you in a few." Dr. Mori hands Sho some scubs, "here change into these, I'll have a nurse come and grab you when we're ready."

I get wheeled away and get set up, Dr. Mori was telling me, "Kei we're going to put a sheet up between you and where we're going to make the incision ok? You'll be numb so all you'll be feeling is some pressure. Now if for any reason it feels anymore than that let me know right away ok?" I nervously say, "o-ok." I turn my head and see Sho walking in, he sits right next to me playing with my hair, "don't be nervous ok? People get C-sections everyday. Just remember in a little bit our baby boy will be here." I smile, "thanks Sho." He leans down and kisses my forehead.

Dr. Mori says, "alright Kei you're going to feel some pressure in a few minutes you'll be able to hear your baby screaming his way into the world." Soon I felt some pressure, a few mintues later we hear screaming, I start crying, I can't believe he's finally here. Sho tears up and leans down and kisses my temple, "I'm so proud of you Kei. Thank you for giving me a family."

A nurse comes over and with our baby, "he weighs 3.5kg and 51cm long." She lowers him so I can see him, I start tearing up again, "is he healthy?" She nods, "perfectly healthy baby boy congratulations you two. If dad would like to follow he can while Dr. Mori finishes up, they can meet you in the room." Sho nods and kisses my temple, "Seiji and I will see you in your room." I smile and nod.

Shoyo's POV:

I followed the nurse as they finished up with Seiji. I was able to put his first diaper on. I have a permanent smile on my face. We made it back to Kei's room, I hold Seiji in my arms, I kiss his head, "Seiji, Daddy loves you so much already. Your Papa and I are so happy you're here." I look up to see Kei being wheeled in, I smile, "baby he's beautiful. I'm so proud of you." I walk over and give Seiji to Kei, he smiles, "I love him so much already Sho. I didn't think I would be able to love someone this much."

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