Side story(Daichi yells at Suga)

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Daichi's POV:

*sigh* after locking up I head over to Suga's apartment. I knock on the door, Suga opens up, "hey Daichi what brings you here?" I sigh, "I think you know why I'm here Suga. We need to talk about what happened with you and Tsukishima." He looks down and nods.

We sit down on the couch, I speak up, "Suga you're going to just sit there and listen, before you make this situation worse and we lose Tsukishima not only as a teammate but as a friend. You need to remember you're his friend, teammate, and vice captain. You're not his mother, you don't need to worry about what he does outside of volleyball, you don't need to worry who he's dating, nothing. I know you sometimes like to think of the 1st years as your babies but they don't need another mother, they need a friend. So stop being a mother to them and start acting like a friend. If Tsukishima wants us to know anything about himself or wants any of our opinions he will come to us, otherwise don't force him about it, don't bug him about it, don't freak out and question his parents judgement on it. Do I make myself clear? We are 3rd years, we should be showing the underclassmen how to act and honestly enjoy our last year with them before going off into the world." Suga nods, "yes I understand Daichi. I'll talk with Tsukishima Monday." I nod, "that's if he comes on Monday Suga, he skipped practice to avoid you, think about your apology and hope he accepts it." He looks down, "sorry Daichi..." I shake my head, "you don't need to apologize to me, you need to apologize to Tsukishima and especially Hinata."

He nods, I stand up, "alright I said what I needed to say I'm going to head home now. Please try to make this better Suga, I know you'll regret it if you dont." I make my way home, now I just hope Yamaguchi can get Tsukishima to come to practice Monday so we can talk about this. Otherwise I might try going to Tsukishima house if he doesn't come Monday.

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