Chapter 34

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Shoyo's POV:

I took Kei to a cute little café to have some coffee and relax. I found a quiet corner away from everyone else so Kei wouldn't feel like people at staring at him. I kiss his temple and squeeze his hand, "do you want me in the room when you talk with the doctor? Or do you want me to wait in the lobby?" He looks down, "I would feel better if you were with me." I lift his chin up and smile, "then I'll be there to hold and comfort you. Whatever you need from me Kei I'll give you. I want to be your rock, lean on me, tell me all of your issues whether they are with me or my work or people in general. I want to help you work through everything, let me be that person for you. It's us against the world, no matter at I'll always be right by your side. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life Hinata Kei." Kei tears up and hugs me, "I love you so much Shoyo." I kiss his head, "I love you too Kei, ready to go for the appointment?" I wipe his tears and he nods.

We get the the doctors and wait for Kei's name to be called. After 10 minutes he gets called and we walk back into the room. Dr. Mori smiles, "Shoyo, Kei what can I do for you today." I wrap my arm around Kei's shoulder pulling him into my body as he looks down, "no one will judge you, just tell him everything ok? The only way to get the proper help is to be truthful about every thought, everything ok? I'll be right here." He nods and sighs and starts explaining how he's been feeling and even some thoughts. I was shocked and started to tear up hearing Kei say he thinks some days Seiji and I are better off without him. I hug him tighter then rub circles on his back.

Dr. Mori just listens to Kei after he's done talking Dr. Mori nods, "Kei what you're feeling, happens for some people after giving birth. Now what you have is something called postpartum depression. There's nothing to feel ashamed about either, now it seems like you're under a lot of stress especially since you're still in high school. No matter what I want you to take a few hours out of the day and just spend them on you. Relax in a bath with some candles lit, mediate, even doing yoga, focus on you and your mental health. Secondly I want you guys as a family to go to therapy, talk and work things out, help you bond more as a family, also go out for walks together, going on little dates as a family, hang out with close friends, but holding everything in does more damage than good. Thirdly ask for help with you being in school Kei, the stress is already on you with school work and with you being behind makes the stress that much more, never be afraid to ask for help." I nod, "I can take some time away from the office, I can also get mom to come over, she can help us." Dr. Mori nods, "now Kei if you feel like it's getting worse or getting thoughts of self harm I want you to call me immediately. We can then put you on medication, but I want to try other options before doing that." Kei nods and he wipes his tears, "thank you Dr. Mori." He nods and smiles, "I want you to come to a check up in 2 weeks, see how we are improving ok?" We both nod and walk to the car. I look over and squeeze his hand, "I'm proud of you baby. How about we call mom on our way home so she can head here in a week or so?" He nods his head.

~Call between Sho and Mom (on speaker)~

Mom: Shoyo? Why are you calling so early? Everything ok?

Sho: hey sorry for calling you so early, but Kei and I  wanted to ask if you would be able to come over in about a week or so.

Mom: yeah I can. Is everything ok?

Sho: I took Kei to the doctors because he hasn't been feeling himself. And he's diagnosed with postpartum depression. Right now the crazy uncles are here since the school flooded. But I was hoping you could come over and help Kei and I.

Mom: oh honey of course I can. Kei sweetie if you ever need to talk just call me ok? I know what you're going through. I had Postpartum when I delivered Shoyo. I promise you everything will work out.

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